Google New SA360



GroupFieldIDHas ConversionIs FormulaTypeDescription
Dataslayer DimensionsHub Accounthub_accountFalseFalseDimension
Dataslayer DimensionsConnector nameconnector_nameFalseFalseDimension
TimeDateDateFalseFalseDimensionDate to which metrics apply. yyyy-MM-dd format, for example, 2018-04-17.
TimeDay of weekDayOfWeekTrueFalseDimensionDay of the week, for example, MONDAY.
TimeWeek (starting on Monday)WeekTrueFalseDimensionWeek as defined as Monday through Sunday, and represented by the date of Monday. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
TimeYear-Week (starting on Monday)YearWeekTrueFalseDimensionWeek as defined as Monday through Sunday, and represented by the date of Monday. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
TimeMENSUALMENSUALTrueFalseDimensionMonth as represented by the date of the first day of a month. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
TimeYear-MonthYearMonthTrueFalseDimensionMonth as represented by the date of the first day of a month. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
TimeQuarterQuarterFalseFalseDimensionQuarter as represented by the date of the first day of a quarter. Uses the calendar year for quarters, for example, the second quarter of 2018 starts on 2018-04-01. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd.
TimeANUALANUALFalseFalseDimensionYear, formatted as yyyy.
TimeHourHourFalseFalseDimensionDate to which metrics apply. yyyy-MM-dd format, for example, 2018-04-17.
CustomerCustomer IDCustomerIdFalseFalseDimensionThe ID of the customer.
CustomerCustomer nameCustomerDescriptiveNameFalseFalseDimensionOptional, non-unique descriptive name of the customer.
CustomerCustomer StatusCustomerStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe status of the customer.
CustomerCustomer Creation timeCustomerCreationTimeFalseFalseDimensionThe timestamp when this customer was created. The timestamp is in the customer's time zone and in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format.
CustomerCustomer Last modified timeCustomerLastModifiedTimeFalseFalseDimensionThe datetime when this customer was last modified. The datetime is in the customer's time zone and in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ssssss" format.
CustomerCustomer Currency codeCustomerCurrencyCodeFalseFalseDimensionThe currency in which the account operates. A subset of the currency codes from the ISO 4217 standard is supported.
CustomerAccount statusAccountStatusFalseFalseDimensionAccount status, for example, Enabled, Paused, Removed, etc.
CustomerAccount typeAccountTypeFalseFalseDimensionEngine account type, for example, Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo Japan, Baidu, Facebook, Engine Track, etc.
CustomerCustomer Engine idCustomerEngineIdFalseFalseDimensionID of the account in the external engine account.
CustomerCustomer Final url suffixCustomerFinalUrlSuffixFalseFalseDimensionThe URL template for appending params to the final URL.
CustomerIs Customer ManagerCustomerManagerFalseFalseDimensionWhether the customer is a manager.
CustomerCustomer Time zoneCustomerTimeZoneFalseFalseDimensionThe local timezone ID of the customer.
CustomerCustomer Tracking url templateCustomerTrackingUrlTemplateFalseFalseDimensionThe URL template for constructing a tracking URL out of parameters.
CustomerAuto tagging enabledAutoTaggingEnabledFalseFalseDimensionWhether auto-tagging is enabled for the customer.
CustomerAccepted customer data termsConversionTrackingSettingAcceptedCustomerDataTermsFalseFalseDimensionWhether the customer has accepted customer data terms. If using cross-account conversion tracking, this value is inherited from the manager. This field is read-only. For more information, see
CustomerConversion Tracking IDConversionTrackingSettingConversionTrackingIdFalseFalseDimensionThe conversion tracking id used for this account. This id doesn't indicate whether the customer uses conversion tracking (conversion_tracking_status does). This field is read-only.
CustomerConversion tracking statusConversionTrackingSettingConversionTrackingStatusFalseFalseDimensionConversion tracking status. It indicates whether the customer is using conversion tracking, and who is the conversion tracking owner of this customer. If this customer is using cross-account conversion tracking, the value returned will differ based on the login-customer-id of the request.
CustomerCross account conversion Tracking IDConversionTrackingSettingCrossAccountConversionTrackingIdFalseFalseDimensionThe conversion tracking id of the customer's manager. This is set when the customer is opted into cross-account conversion tracking, and it overrides conversion_tracking_id.
CustomerEnhanced conversions for leads enabledConversionTrackingSettingEnhancedConversionsForLeadsEnabledFalseFalseDimensionWhether the customer is opted-in for enhanced conversions for leads. If using cross-account conversion tracking, this value is inherited from the manager. This field is read-only.
CustomerGoogle ads conversion customerConversionTrackingSettingGoogleAdsConversionCustomerFalseFalseDimensionThe resource name of the customer where conversions are created and managed. This field is read-only.
CustomerGoogle ads cross account conversion tracking idConversionTrackingSettingGoogleAdsCrossAccountConversionTrackingIdFalseFalseDimensionThe conversion tracking id of the customer's manager. This is set when the customer is opted into conversion tracking, and it overrides conversion_tracking_id. This field can only be managed through the Google Ads UI. This field is read-only.
CustomerAdvertiser IDDoubleClickCampaignManagerSettingAdvertiserIdFalseFalseDimensionID of the Campaign Manager advertiser associated with this customer.
CustomerNetwork IDDoubleClickCampaignManagerSettingNetworkIdFalseFalseDimensionID of the Campaign Manager network associated with this customer.
CustomerCampaign Manager network Time zoneDoubleClickCampaignManagerSettingTimeZoneFalseFalseDimensionTime zone of the Campaign Manager network associated with this customer in IANA Time Zone Database format, such as America/New_York.
CampaignCampaign IdCampaignIdFalseFalseDimensionThe ID of the campaign.
CampaignCampaign NameCampaignNameFalseFalseDimensionThe name of the campaign. This field is required and should not be empty when creating new campaigns. It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
CampaignAdvertising channel typeAdvertisingChannelTypeFalseFalseDimensionThe primary serving target for ads within the campaign. The targeting options can be refined in network_settings. This field is required and should not be empty when creating new campaigns. Can be set only when creating campaigns. After the campaign is created, the field can not be changed.
CampaignAdvertising channel sub typeAdvertisingChannelSubTypeFalseFalseDimensionOptional refinement to advertising_channel_type. Must be a valid sub-type of the parent channel type. Can be set only when creating campaigns. After campaign is created, the field can not be changed.
CampaignCampaign Engine idCampaignEngineIdFalseFalseDimensionID of the campaign in the external engine account. This field is for non-Google Ads account only, for example, Yahoo Japan, Microsoft, Baidu etc. For Google Ads entity, use "" instead.
CampaignCampaign budgetCampaignBudgetFalseFalseDimensionThe budget of the campaign.
CampaignCampaign StatusCampaignStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe status of the campaign. When a new campaign is added, the status defaults to ENABLED.
CampaignCampaign Serving statusCampaignServingStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe ad serving status of the campaign.
CampaignCampaign Creation timeCampaignCreationTimeFalseFalseDimensionThe timestamp when this campaign was created. The timestamp is in the customer's time zone and in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format.
CampaignCampaign Last modified timeCampaignLastModifiedTimeFalseFalseDimensionThe datetime when this campaign was last modified. The datetime is in the customer's time zone and in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ssssss" format.
CampaignCampaign Start dateCampaignStartDateFalseFalseDimensionThe date when campaign started in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD format.
CampaignCampaign End dateCampaignEndDateFalseFalseDimensionThe last day of the campaign in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD format. On create, defaults to 2037-12-30, which means the campaign will run indefinitely. To set an existing campaign to run indefinitely, set this field to 2037-12-30.
CampaignCampaign Bid strategyCampaignBiddingStrategyFalseFalseDimensionPortfolio bidding strategy used by campaign.
CampaignCampaign Bid strategy system statusCampaignBiddingStrategySystemStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe system status of the campaign's bidding strategy.
CampaignCampaign Bid strategy typeCampaignBiddingStrategyTypeFalseFalseDimensionThe type of bidding strategy. A bidding strategy can be created by setting either the bidding scheme to create a standard bidding strategy or the bidding_strategy field to create a portfolio bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
CampaignAd serving optimization statusAdServingOptimizationStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe ad serving optimization status of the campaign.
CampaignDynamic search ads Domain nameDynamicSearchAdsSettingDomainNameFalseFalseDimensionRequired. The Internet domain name that this setting represents, for example, "" or "".
CampaignDynamic search ads Language codeDynamicSearchAdsSettingLanguageCodeFalseFalseDimensionRequired. The language code specifying the language of the domain, for example, "en".
CampaignDynamic search ads Use supplied urls onlyDynamicSearchAdsSettingUseSuppliedUrlsOnlyFalseFalseDimensionWhether the campaign uses advertiser supplied URLs exclusively.
CampaignExcluded parent asset field typesExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesFalseFalseDimensionThe asset field types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset links with these field types will not be inherited by this campaign from the upper level.
CampaignFrequency capsFrequencyCapsFalseFalseDimensionA list that limits how often each user will see this campaign's ads.
CampaignGeo target type negative geo target typeGeoTargetTypeSettingNegativeGeoTargetTypeFalseFalseDimensionThe setting used for negative geotargeting in this particular campaign.
CampaignGeo target type positive geo target typeGeoTargetTypeSetting.PositiveGeoTargetTypeFalseFalseDimensionThe setting used for positive geotargeting in this particular campaign.
CampaignCampaign LabelsCampaignLabelsFalseFalseDimensionThe resource names of labels attached to this campaign.
CampaignManual CPAManualCpaFalseFalseDimensionStandard Manual CPA bidding strategy. Manual bidding strategy that allows advertiser to set the bid per advertiser-specified action. Supported only for Local Services campaigns.
CampaignManual CPC enhanced cpc enabledManualCpcEnhancedCpcEnabledFalseFalseDimensionWhether bids are to be enhanced based on conversion optimizer data.
CampaignManual CPMManualCpmFalseFalseDimensionStandard Manual CPM bidding strategy. Manual impression-based bidding where user pays per thousand impressions.
CampaignCampaign Max conv. value target roasCampaignMaximizeConversionValueTargetRoasFalseFalseDimensionThe target return on ad spend (ROAS) option. If set, the bid strategy will maximize revenue while averaging the target return on ad spend. If the target ROAS is high, the bid strategy may not be able to spend the full budget. If the target ROAS is not set, the bid strategy will aim to achieve the highest possible ROAS for the budget.
CampaignCampaign Max CPA microsCampaignMaximizeConversionsTargetCpaMicrosFalseFalseDimensionThe target cost-per-action (CPA) option. This is the average amount that you would like to spend per conversion action specified in micro units of the bidding strategy's currency. If set, the bid strategy will get as many conversions as possible at or below the target cost-per-action. If the target CPA is not set, the bid strategy will aim to achieve the lowest possible CPA given the budget.
CampaignTarget content networkTargetContentNetworkFalseFalseDimensionWhether ads will be served on specified placements in the Google Display Network. Placements are specified using the Placement criterion.
CampaignTarget google searchTargetGoogleSearchFalseFalseDimensionWhether ads will be served with search results.
CampaignTarget partner search networkTargetPartnerSearchNetworkFalseFalseDimensionWhether ads will be served on the Google Partner Network. This is available only to some select Google partner accounts.
CampaignTarget search networkTargetSearchNetworkFalseFalseDimensionWhether ads will be served on partner sites in the Google Search Network (requires target_google_search to also be true).
CampaignOptimization goal typesOptimizationGoalTypesFalseFalseDimensionThe list of optimization goal types.
CampaignPercent CPC bid ceiling microsCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. This is an optional field entered by the advertiser and specified in local micros. Note: A zero value is interpreted in the same way as having bid_ceiling undefined.
CampaignPercent enhanced CPC enabledPercentCpcEnhancedCpcEnabledFalseFalseDimensionAdjusts the bid for each auction upward or downward, depending on the likelihood of a conversion. Individual bids may exceed cpc_bid_ceiling_micros, but the average bid amount for a campaign should not.
CampaignOPT inRealTimeBiddingSettingOptInFalseFalseDimensionWhether the campaign is opted in to real-time bidding.
CampaignConversion actionsSelectiveOptimizationConversionActionsFalseFalseDimensionThe selected set of conversion actions for optimizing this campaign.
CampaignShopping Campaign priorityCampaignPriorityFalseFalseDimensionPriority of the campaign. Campaigns with numerically higher priorities take precedence over those with lower priorities. This field is required for Shopping campaigns, with values between 0 and 2, inclusive. This field is optional for Smart Shopping campaigns, but must be equal to 3 if set.
CampaignShopping Enable localEnableLocalFalseFalseDimensionWhether to include local products.
CampaignShopping feed labelShoppingSettingFeedLabelFalseFalseDimensionFeed label of products to include in the campaign. Only one of feed_label or sales_country can be set. If used instead of sales_country, the feed_label field accepts country codes in the same format for example: 'XX'. Otherwise can be any string used for feed label in Google Merchant Center.
CampaignShopping merchant IDShoppingSettingMerchantIdFalseFalseDimensionID of the Merchant Center account. This field is required for create operations. This field is immutable for Shopping campaigns.
CampaignShopping sales countryShoppingSettingSalesCountryFalseFalseDimensionSales country of products to include in the campaign.
CampaignShopping use vehicle inventoryShoppingSettingUseVehicleInventoryFalseFalseDimensionWhether to target Vehicle Listing inventory.
CampaignCampaign Target cpa CPC bid ceiling microsCampaignTargetCpaCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
CampaignCampaign Target cpa CPC bid floor microsCampaignTargetCpaCpcBidFloorMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
CampaignCampaign Trget cpa microsCampaignTargetCpaTargetCpaMicrosFalseFalseDimensionAverage CPA target. This target should be greater than or equal to minimum billable unit based on the currency for the account.
CampaignCamapign Target CPMCamapignTargetCpmFalseFalseDimensionA bidding strategy that automatically optimizes cost per thousand impressions.
CampaignCampaign Target impression share CPC bid ceiling microsCampaignTargetImpressionShareCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionThe highest CPC bid the automated bidding system is permitted to specify. This is a required field entered by the advertiser that sets the ceiling and specified in local micros.
CampaignCampaign Target impression share locationCampaignTargetImpressionShareLocationFalseFalseDimensionThe targeted location on the search results page.
CampaignCampaign Target impression share location fraction microsCampaignTargetImpressionShareLocationFractionMicrosFalseFalseDimensionThe chosen fraction of ads to be shown in the targeted location in micros. For example, 1% equals 10,000.
CampaignCampaign Target roas CPC bid ceiling microsCampaignTargetRoasCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
CampaignCampaign Target roas CPC bid floor microsCampaignTargetRoasCpcBidFloorMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
CampaignCampaign Target roasCampaignTargetRoasTargetRoasFalseFalseDimensionRequired. The chosen revenue (based on conversion data) per unit of spend. Value must be between 0.01 and 1000.0, inclusive.
CampaignCampaign Target spend CPC bid ceiling microsCampaignTargetSpendCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy.
CampaignCampaign Target spend microsCampaignTargetSpendTargetSpendMicrosFalseFalseDimensionThe spend target under which to maximize clicks. A TargetSpend bidder will attempt to spend the smaller of this value or the natural throttling spend amount. If not specified, the budget is used as the spend target. This field is deprecated and should no longer be used. See for details.
CampaignTracking URLTrackingSettingTrackingUrlFalseFalseDimensionThe url used for dynamic tracking.
CampaignUrl custom parametersUrlCustomParametersFalseFalseDimensionThe list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a tracking_url_template, final_urls, or mobile_final_urls.
CampaignUrl expansion opt outUrlExpansionOptOutFalseFalseDimensionRepresents opting out of URL expansion to more targeted URLs. If opted out (true), only the final URLs in the asset group or URLs specified in the advertiser's Google Merchant Center or business data feeds are targeted. If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. This field can only be set for Performance Max campaigns, where the default value is false.
CampaignCampaign Final url suffixCampaignFinalUrlSuffixFalseFalseDimensionSuffix used to append query parameters to landing pages that are served with parallel tracking.
CampaignCampaign Tracking url templateCampaignTrackingUrlTemplateFalseFalseDimensionThe URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
Ad GroupAd Group IdAdGroupIdFalseFalseDimensionThe ID of the ad group.
Ad GroupAd Group NameAdGroupNameFalseFalseDimensionThe name of the ad group. This field is required and should not be empty when creating new ad groups. It must contain fewer than 255 UTF-8 full-width characters. It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
Ad GroupAd Group StatusAdGroupStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe status of the ad group.
Ad GroupAd Group TypeAdGroupTypeFalseFalseDimensionThe type of the ad group.
Ad GroupAd network typeAdNetworkTypeFalseFalseDimensionAd network type.
Ad GroupAd Group Language codeAdGroupLanguageCodeFalseFalseDimensionThe language of the ads and keywords in an ad group. This field is only available for Microsoft Advertising accounts. More details:
Ad GroupAd Group Engine idAdGroupEngineIdFalseFalseDimensionID of the ad group in the external engine account. This field is for non-Google Ads account only, for example, Yahoo Japan, Microsoft, Baidu etc. For Google Ads entity, use "" instead.
Ad GroupAd Group Engine statusAdGroupEngineStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe Engine Status for ad group.
Ad GroupAd Group LabelsAdGroupLabelsFalseFalseDimensionThe resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
Ad GroupAd Group Creation timeAdGroupCreationTimeFalseFalseDimensionThe timestamp when this ad_group was created. The timestamp is in the customer's time zone and in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format.
Ad GroupAd Group Last modified timeAdGroupLastModifiedTimeFalseFalseDimensionThe datetime when this ad group was last modified. The datetime is in the customer's time zone and in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ssssss" format.
Ad GroupAd Group Start dateAdGroupStartDateFalseFalseDimensionDate when this ad group starts serving ads. By default, the ad group starts now or the ad group's start date, whichever is later. If this field is set, then the ad group starts at the beginning of the specified date in the customer's time zone. This field is only available for Microsoft Advertising and Facebook gateway accounts. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Example: 2019-03-14
Ad GroupAd Group End dateAdGroupEndDateFalseFalseDimensionDate when the ad group ends serving ads. By default, the ad group ends on the ad group's end date. If this field is set, then the ad group ends at the end of the specified date in the customer's time zone. This field is only available for Microsoft Advertising and Facebook gateway accounts. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Example: 2019-03-14
Ad GroupAd rotation modeAdGroupAdRotationModeFalseFalseDimensionThe ad rotation mode of the ad group.
Ad GroupAd Group Cpc bid microsAdGroupCpcBidMicrosFalseFalseDimensionThe maximum CPC (cost-per-click) bid.
Ad GroupAd Group Target restrictionsAdGroupTargetingSettingTargetRestrictionsFalseFalseDimensionThe per-targeting-dimension setting to restrict the reach of your campaign or ad group.
Ad Group AdAd Display urlAdDisplayUrlFalseFalseDimensionThe URL that appears in the ad description for some ad formats.
Ad Group AdAd IDAdIdFalseFalseDimensionThe ID of the ad.
Ad Group AdAd NameAdNameFalseFalseDimensionThe name of the ad. This is only used to be able to identify the ad. It does not need to be unique and does not affect the served ad. The name field is currently only supported for DisplayUploadAd, ImageAd, ShoppingComparisonListingAd and VideoAd.
Ad Group AdAd StatusAdGroupAdStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe status of the ad.
Ad Group AdAd typeAdTypeFalseFalseDimensionThe type of ad.
Ad Group AdAd Engine idAdGroupAdEngineIdFalseFalseDimensionID of the ad in the external engine account. This field is for SearchAds 360 account only, for example, Yahoo Japan, Microsoft, Baidu etc. For non-SearchAds 360 entity, use "" instead.
Ad Group AdAd Engine statusAdEngineStatusFalseFalseDimensionAdditional status of the ad in the external engine account. Possible statuses (depending on the type of external account) include active, eligible, pending review, etc.
Ad Group AdAD Creation timeAdGroupAdCreationTimeFalseFalseDimensionThe timestamp when this ad_group_ad was created. The datetime is in the customer's time zone and in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ssssss" format.
Ad Group AdAd Last modified timeAdGroupAdLastModifiedTimeFalseFalseDimensionThe datetime when this ad group ad was last modified. The datetime is in the customer's time zone and in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ssssss" format.
Ad Group AdAd LabelsAdGroupAdLabelsFalseFalseDimensionThe resource names of labels attached to this ad group ad.
Ad Group AdText Ad HeadlineAdTextAdHeadlineFalseFalseDimensionThe headline of the ad.
Ad Group AdText Ad Display URLAdTextAdDisplayUrlFalseFalseDimensionThe displayed URL of the ad.
Ad Group AdAd Final URLsAdFinalUrlsFalseFalseDimensionThe list of possible final URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the ad.
Ad Group AdText Ad Tracking IDAdTextAdAdTrackingIdFalseFalseDimensionThe tracking id of the ad.
Ad Group AdText Ad Description 1AdTextAdDescription1FalseFalseDimensionThe first line of the ad's description.
Ad Group AdText Ad Description 2AdTextAdDescription2FalseFalseDimensionThe second line of the ad's description.
Ad Group AdText Ad Display mobile URLAdTextAdDisplayMobileUrlFalseFalseDimensionThe displayed mobile URL of the ad.
Ad Group AdDynamic search ad Tracking IDAdExpandedDynamicSearchAdAdTrackingIdFalseFalseDimensionThe tracking id of the ad.
Ad Group AdDynamic search Ad Description 1AdExpandedDynamicSearchAdDescription1FalseFalseDimensionThe first line of the ad's description.
Ad Group AdDynamic search Ad Description 2AdExpandedDynamicSearchAdDescription2FalseFalseDimensionThe second line of the ad's description.
Ad Group AdExpanded text Ad Tracking IDAdExpandedTextAdAdTrackingIdFalseFalseDimensionThe tracking id of the ad.
Ad Group AdExpanded text Ad Description 1AdExpandedTextAdDescription1FalseFalseDimensionThe first line of the ad's description.
Ad Group AdExpanded text Ad Description 2AdExpandedTextAdDescription2FalseFalseDimensionThe second line of the ad's description.
Ad Group AdExpanded text Ad HeadlineAdExpandedTextAdHeadlineFalseFalseDimensionThe headline of the ad.
Ad Group AdExpanded text Ad Headline 2AdExpandedTextAdHeadline2FalseFalseDimensionThe second headline of the ad.
Ad Group AdExpanded text Ad Headline 3AdExpandedTextAdHeadline3FalseFalseDimensionThe third headline of the ad.
Ad Group AdExpanded text Ad Path 1AdExpandedTextAdPath1FalseFalseDimensionText appended to the auto-generated visible URL with a delimiter.
Ad Group AdExpanded text Ad Path 2AdExpandedTextAdPath2FalseFalseDimensionText appended to path1 with a delimiter.
Ad Group AdResponsive search Ad Tracking IDAdResponsiveSearchAdAdTrackingIdFalseFalseDimensionThe tracking id of the ad.
Ad Group AdResponsive search Ad Path 1AdResponsiveSearchAdPath1FalseFalseDimensionText appended to the auto-generated visible URL with a delimiter.
Ad Group AdResponsive search Ad Path 2AdResponsiveSearchAdPath2FalseFalseDimensionText appended to path1 with a delimiter.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy IdBiddingStrategyIdFalseFalseDimensionThe ID of the bidding strategy.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy NameBiddingStrategyNameFalseFalseDimensionThe name of the bidding strategy. All bidding strategies within an account must be named distinctly. The length of this string should be between 1 and 255, inclusive, in UTF-8 bytes, (trimmed).
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy StatusBiddingStrategyStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe status of the bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy TypeBiddingStrategyTypeFalseFalseDimensionThe type of the bidding strategy. Create a bidding strategy by setting the bidding scheme. This field is read-only.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Currency codeBiddingStrategyCurrencyCodeFalseFalseDimensionThe currency used by the bidding strategy (ISO 4217 three-letter code). For bidding strategies in manager customers, this currency can be set on creation and defaults to the manager customer's currency. For serving customers, this field cannot be set; all strategies in a serving customer implicitly use the serving customer's currency. In all cases the effective_currency_code field returns the currency used by the strategy.
Bidding StrategyCampaign countCampaignCountFalseFalseDimensionThe number of campaigns attached to this bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
Bidding StrategyEffective currency codeEffectiveCurrencyCodeFalseFalseDimensionThe currency used by the bidding strategy (ISO 4217 three-letter code). For bidding strategies in manager customers, this is the currency set by the advertiser when creating the strategy. For serving customers, this is the customer's currency_code. Bidding strategy metrics are reported in this currency. This field is read-only.
Bidding StrategyEnhanced cpcEnhancedCpcFalseFalseDimensionA bidding strategy that raises bids for clicks that seem more likely to lead to a conversion and lowers them for clicks where they seem less likely.
Bidding StrategyMax conv. value CPC Bid ceiling microsMaximizeConversionValueCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Bidding StrategyMax conv. value CPC Bid floor microsMaximizeConversionValueCpcBidFloorMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Bidding StrategyMax conv. CPC Bid ceiling microsMaximizeConversionsCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Bidding StrategyMax conv. CPC Bid floor microsMaximizeConversionsCpcBidFloorMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. Mutable for portfolio bidding strategies only.
Bidding StrategyNon removed campaign countNonRemovedCampaignCountFalseFalseDimensionThe number of non-removed campaigns attached to this bidding strategy. This field is read-only.
Bidding StrategyTarget outrank share CPC Bid ceiling microsTargetOutrankShareCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Max conv. value target roasBiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionValueTargetRoasFalseFalseDimensionThe target return on ad spend (ROAS) option. If set, the bid strategy will maximize revenue while averaging the target return on ad spend. If the target ROAS is high, the bid strategy may not be able to spend the full budget. If the target ROAS is not set, the bid strategy will aim to achieve the highest possible ROAS for the budget.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Max CPA microsBiddingStrategyMaximizeConversionsTargetCpaMicrosFalseFalseDimensionThe target cost-per-action (CPA) option. This is the average amount that you would like to spend per conversion action specified in micro units of the bidding strategy's currency. If set, the bid strategy will get as many conversions as possible at or below the target cost-per-action. If the target CPA is not set, the bid strategy will aim to achieve the lowest possible CPA given the budget.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Target cpa CPC bid ceiling microsBiddingStrategyTargetCpaCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Bidding StrategyBidding StrategyTarget cpa CPC bid floor microsBiddingStrategyTargetCpaCpcBidFloorMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Target cpa microsBiddingStrategyTargetCpa.TargetCpaMicrosFalseFalseDimensionAverage CPA target. This target should be greater than or equal to minimum billable unit based on the currency for the account.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Target impression share CPC bid ceiling microsBiddingStrategyTargetImpressionShareCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionThe highest CPC bid the automated bidding system is permitted to specify. This is a required field entered by the advertiser that sets the ceiling and specified in local micros.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Target impression share locationBiddingStrategyTargetImpressionShareLocationFalseFalseDimensionThe targeted location on the search results page.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Target impression share location fraction microsBiddingStrategyTargetImpressionShareLocationFractionMicrosFalseFalseDimensionThe chosen fraction of ads to be shown in the targeted location in micros. For example, 1% equals 10,000.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Target roas CPC bid ceiling microsBiddingStrategyTargetRoasCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Target roas CPC bid floor microsBiddingStrategyTargetRoasCpcBidFloorMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMinimum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy. This should only be set for portfolio bid strategies.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Target roasBiddingStrategyTargetRoasTargetRoasFalseFalseDimensionRequired. The chosen revenue (based on conversion data) per unit of spend. Value must be between 0.01 and 1000.0, inclusive.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Target spend CPC bid ceiling microsBiddingStrategyTargetSpendCpcBidCeilingMicrosFalseFalseDimensionMaximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. The limit applies to all keywords managed by the strategy.
Bidding StrategyBidding Strategy Target spend microsBiddingStrategyTargetSpendTargetSpendMicrosFalseFalseDimensionThe spend target under which to maximize clicks. A TargetSpend bidder will attempt to spend the smaller of this value or the natural throttling spend amount. If not specified, the budget is used as the spend target. This field is deprecated and should no longer be used. See for details.
Campaign BudgetCampaign Budget AmountCampaignBudgetAmountTrueFalseDimensionThe amount of the budget, in the local currency for the account. Amount is specified in micros, where one million is equivalent to one currency unit. Monthly spend is capped at 30.4 times this amount.
Campaign BudgetCampaign Budget Delivery methodDeliveryMethodFalseFalseDimensionThe delivery method that determines the rate at which the campaign budget is spent. Defaults to STANDARD if unspecified in a create operation.
Campaign BudgetCampaign Budget PeriodPeriodFalseFalseDimensionPeriod over which to spend the budget. Defaults to DAILY if not specified.
Dynamic Search Ad Search TermLanding pageLandingPageFalseFalseDimensionThe dynamically selected landing page URL of the impression. This field is read-only.
Customer AssetCustomer Asset StatusCustomerAssetStatusFalseFalseDimensionStatus of the customer asset.
Campaign AssetCampaign Asset StatusCampaignAssetStatusFalseFalseDimensionStatus of the campaign asset.
ProductosProduct bidding category level1ProductBiddingCategoryLevel1FalseFalseDimensionBidding category (level 1) of the product.
ProductosProduct bidding category level2ProductBiddingCategoryLevel2FalseFalseDimensionBidding category (level 2) of the product.
ProductosProduct bidding category level3ProductBiddingCategoryLevel3FalseFalseDimensionBidding category (level 3) of the product.
ProductosProduct bidding category level4ProductBiddingCategoryLevel4FalseFalseDimensionBidding category (level 4) of the product.
ProductosProduct bidding category level5ProductBiddingCategoryLevel5FalseFalseDimensionBidding category (level 5) of the product.
ProductosProduct brandProductBrandFalseFalseDimensionBrand of the product.
ProductosProduct channelProductChannelFalseFalseDimensionChannel of the product.
ProductosProduct channel exclusivityProductChannelExclusivityFalseFalseDimensionChannel exclusivity of the product.
ProductosProduct conditionProductConditionFalseFalseDimensionCondition of the product.
ProductosProduct countryProductCountryFalseFalseDimensionResource name of the geo target constant for the country of sale of the product.
ProductosProduct custom attribute0ProductCustomAttribute0FalseFalseDimensionCustom attribute 0 of the product.
ProductosProduct custom attribute1ProductCustomAttribute1FalseFalseDimensionCustom attribute 1 of the product.
ProductosProduct custom attribute2ProductCustomAttribute2FalseFalseDimensionCustom attribute 2 of the product.
ProductosProduct custom attribute3ProductCustomAttribute3FalseFalseDimensionCustom attribute 3 of the product.
ProductosProduct custom attribute4ProductCustomAttribute4FalseFalseDimensionCustom attribute 4 of the product.
ProductosProduct item idProductItemIdFalseFalseDimensionItem ID of the product.
ProductosProduct languageProductLanguageFalseFalseDimensionResource name of the language constant for the language of the product.
ProductosProduct sold bidding category level1ProductSoldBiddingCategoryLevel1FalseFalseDimensionBidding category (level 1) of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold bidding category level2ProductSoldBiddingCategoryLevel2FalseFalseDimensionBidding category (level 2) of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold bidding category level3ProductSoldBiddingCategoryLevel3FalseFalseDimensionBidding category (level 3) of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold bidding category level4ProductSoldBiddingCategoryLevel4FalseFalseDimensionBidding category (level 4) of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold bidding category level5ProductSoldBiddingCategoryLevel5FalseFalseDimensionBidding category (level 5) of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold brandProductSoldBrandFalseFalseDimensionBrand of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold conditionProductSoldConditionFalseFalseDimensionCondition of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold custom attribute0ProductSoldCustomAttribute0FalseFalseDimensionCustom attribute 0 of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold custom attribute1ProductSoldCustomAttribute1FalseFalseDimensionCustom attribute 1 of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold custom attribute2ProductSoldCustomAttribute2FalseFalseDimensionCustom attribute 2 of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold custom attribute3ProductSoldCustomAttribute3FalseFalseDimensionCustom attribute 3 of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold custom attribute4ProductSoldCustomAttribute4FalseFalseDimensionCustom attribute 4 of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold item idProductSoldItemIdFalseFalseDimensionItem ID of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold titleProductSoldTitleFalseFalseDimensionTitle of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold type l1ProductSoldTypeL1FalseFalseDimensionType (level 1) of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold type l2ProductSoldTypeL2FalseFalseDimensionType (level 2) of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold type l3ProductSoldTypeL3FalseFalseDimensionType (level 3) of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold type l4ProductSoldTypeL4FalseFalseDimensionType (level 4) of the product sold.
ProductosProduct sold type l5ProductSoldTypeL5FalseFalseDimensionType (level 5) of the product sold.
ProductosProduct store idProductStoreIdFalseFalseDimensionStore ID of the product.
ProductosProduct titleProductTitleFalseFalseDimensionTitle of the product.
ProductosProduct type l1ProductTypeL1FalseFalseDimensionType (level 1) of the product.
ProductosProduct type l2ProductTypeL2FalseFalseDimensionType (level 2) of the product.
ProductosProduct type l3ProductTypeL3FalseFalseDimensionType (level 3) of the product.
ProductosProduct type l4ProductTypeL4FalseFalseDimensionType (level 4) of the product.
ProductosProduct type l5ProductTypeL5FalseFalseDimensionType (level 5) of the product.
ConversionesConversion actionConversionActionFalseFalseDimensionResource name of the conversion action.
ConversionesConversion action categoryConversionActionCategoryFalseFalseDimensionConversion action category.
ConversionesConversion action nameConversionActionNameFalseFalseDimensionConversion action name.
Palabras claveKeyword IDKeywordIDFalseFalseDimensionThe ID of the criterion.
Palabras claveKeyword TypeKeywordTypeFalseFalseDimensionThe type of the criterion.
Palabras claveKeyword StatusKeywordStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe status of the criterion. This is the status of the ad group criterion entity, set by the client. Note: UI reports may incorporate additional information that affects whether a criterion is eligible to run. In some cases a criterion that's REMOVED in the API can still show as enabled in the UI. For example, campaigns by default show to users of all age ranges unless excluded.
Palabras claveKeyword Engine IDKeywordEngineIDFalseFalseDimensionID of the ad group criterion in the external engine account. This field is for non-Google Ads account only, for example, Yahoo Japan, Microsoft, Baidu etc.
Palabras claveKeyword Engine StatusKeywordEngineStatusFalseFalseDimensionThe Engine Status for ad group criterion.
Palabras claveKeyword TextKeywordTextFalseFalseDimensionThe text of the keyword (at most 80 characters and 10 words).
Palabras claveKeyword Match TypeKeywordMatchTypeFalseFalseDimensionThe match type of the keyword.
Palabras claveKeyword GenderKeywordGenderTypeFalseFalseDimensionType of the gender.
Palabras claveKeyword Final URLsKeywordFinalURLsFalseFalseDimensionThe list of possible final URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the ad.
BasicClicsClicsFalseFalseMetricThe number of clicks.
BasicImpresionesImpresionesFalseFalseMetricCount of how often your ad has appeared on a search results page or website on the Google Network.
BasicCtrCtrFalseTrueMetricThe number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions).
BasicInteractionsInteractionsFalseFalseMetricThe number of interactions. An interaction is the main user action associated with an ad format-clicks for text and shopping ads, views for video ads, and so on.
BasicInteraction event typesInteractionEventTypesFalseFalseMetricThe types of payable and free interactions.
BasicInteraction rateInteractionRateFalseFalseMetricHow often people interact with your ad after it is shown to them. This is the number of interactions divided by the number of times your ad is shown.
BasicCosteCosteTrueFalseMetricThe sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at
BasicAverage costAverageCostFalseTrueMetricThe average amount you pay per interaction. This amount is the total cost of your ads divided by the total number of interactions.
BasicAverage cpcAverageCpcFalseTrueMetricThe total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks received. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at
BasicAverage cpmAverageCpmFalseTrueMetricAverage cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM). This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at
ConversionesConversionesConversionesFalseFalseMetricThe number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
ConversionesConversions valueConversionsValueFalseFalseMetricThe sum of conversion values for the conversions included in the "conversions" field. This metric is useful only if you entered a value for your conversion actions.
ConversionesAll conversionsAllConversionsFalseFalseMetricThe total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless of the value of include_in_conversions_metric.
ConversionesAll conversions valueAllConversionsValueFalseFalseMetricThe value of all conversions.
ConversionesConversions by conversion dateConversionsByConversionDateFalseFalseMetricThe sum of conversions by conversion date for biddable conversion types. Can be fractional due to attribution modeling. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date.
ConversionesConversions from interactions rateConversionsFromInteractionsRateFalseFalseMetricAverage biddable conversions (from interaction) per conversion eligible interaction. Shows how often, on average, an ad interaction leads to a biddable conversion.
ConversionesConversions from interactions value per interactionConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteractionFalseFalseMetricThe value of conversions from interactions divided by the number of ad interactions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions.
ConversionesConversions value by conversion dateConversionsValueByConversionDateFalseFalseMetricThe sum of biddable conversions value by conversion date. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date.
ConversionesConversions value per costConversionsValuePerCostFalseTrueMetricThe value of biddable conversion divided by the total cost of conversion eligible interactions.
ConversionesAll conversions by conversion dateAllConversionsByConversionDateFalseFalseMetricThe total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless of the value of include_in_conversions_metric. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at
ConversionesAll conversions from click to callAllConversionsFromClickToCallFalseFalseMetricThe number of times people clicked the "Call" button to call a store during or after clicking an ad. This number doesn't include whether or not calls were connected, or the duration of any calls. This metric applies to feed items only.
ConversionesAll conversions from directionsAllConversionsFromDirectionsFalseFalseMetricThe number of times people clicked a "Get directions" button to navigate to a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
ConversionesAll conversions from interactions rateAllConversionsFromInteractionsRateFalseFalseMetricAll conversions from interactions (as oppose to view through conversions) divided by the number of ad interactions.
ConversionesAll conversions from interactions value per interactionAllConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteractionFalseFalseMetricThe value of all conversions from interactions divided by the total number of interactions.
ConversionesAll conversions from menuAllConversionsFromMenuFalseFalseMetricThe number of times people clicked a link to view a store's menu after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
ConversionesAll conversions from orderAllConversionsFromOrderFalseFalseMetricThe number of times people placed an order at a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
ConversionesAll conversions from other engagementAllConversionsFromOtherEngagementFalseFalseMetricThe number of other conversions (for example, posting a review or saving a location for a store) that occurred after people clicked an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
ConversionesAll conversions from store visitAllConversionsFromStoreVisitFalseFalseMetricEstimated number of times people visited a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
ConversionesAll conversions from store websiteAllConversionsFromStoreWebsiteFalseFalseMetricThe number of times that people were taken to a store's URL after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only.
ConversionesAll conversions value by conversion dateAllConversionsValueByConversionDateFalseFalseMetricThe value of all conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at
ConversionesAll conversions value per costAllConversionsValuePerCostFalseTrueMetricThe value of all conversions divided by the total cost of ad interactions (such as clicks for text ads or views for video ads).
ConversionesCost per all conversionsCostPerAllConversionsFalseTrueMetricThe cost of ad interactions divided by all conversions.
ConversionesCost per conversionCostPerConversionFalseTrueMetricAverage conversion eligible cost per biddable conversion.
ConversionesValue per all conversionsValuePerAllConversionsFalseTrueMetricThe value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions.
ConversionesValue per all conversions by conversion dateValuePerAllConversionsByConversionDateFalseTrueMetricThe value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at
ConversionesValue per conversionValuePerConversionFalseTrueMetricThe value of biddable conversion divided by the number of biddable conversions. Shows how much, on average, each of the biddable conversions is worth.
ConversionesValue per conversions by conversion dateValuePerConversionsByConversionDateFalseTrueMetricBiddable conversions value by conversion date divided by biddable conversions by conversion date. Shows how much, on average, each of the biddable conversions is worth (by conversion date). When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date.
Search Impression ShareAvailable impressionAvailableImpressionFalseTrueMetric
Search Impression ShareSearch impression shareSearchImpressionShareTrueTrueMetricThe impressions you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. Note: Search impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
Search Impression ShareLost impressions due to budgetLostImpressionsDueToBudgetFalseTrueMetric
Search Impression ShareLost impressions due to rankLostImpressionsDueToRankFalseTrueMetric
Search Impression ShareLost impressionsLostImpressionsFalseTrueMetric
Search Impression ShareSearch budget lost impression shareSearchBudgetLostImpressionShareTrueTrueMetricThe estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Search Network but didn't because your budget was too low. Note: Search budget lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
Search Impression ShareSearch rank lost impression shareSearchRankLostImpressionShareTrueTrueMetricThe estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Search rank lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
Search Top Impression ShareImpressions On TopImpressionsOnTopFalseTrueMetric
Search Top Impression ShareTop impression percentageTopImpressionPercentageFalseTrueMetricThe percent of your ad impressions that are shown anywhere above the organic search results.
Search Top Impression ShareAvailale Impressions On TopAvailableImpressionsOnTopFalseTrueMetric
Search Top Impression ShareSearch top impression shareSearchTopImpressionShareTrueTrueMetricThe impressions you've received in the top location (anywhere above the organic search results) compared to the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive in the top location. Note: Search top impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
Search Top Impression ShareLost Top impressions due to budgetLostTopImpressionsDueToBudgetFalseTrueMetric
Search Top Impression ShareLost Top impressions due to RankLostTopImpressionsDueToRankFalseTrueMetric
Search Top Impression ShareSearch budget lost top impression shareSearchBudgetLostTopImpressionShareTrueTrueMetricThe number estimating how often your ad didn't show anywhere above the organic search results due to a low budget. Note: Search budget lost top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
Search Top Impression ShareSearch rank lost top impression shareSearchRankLostTopImpressionShareTrueTrueMetricThe number estimating how often your ad didn't show anywhere above the organic search results due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Search rank lost top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
Search Absolute Top Impression ShareImpressions On Absolut TopImpressionsOnAbsoluteTopFalseTrueMetric
Search Absolute Top Impression ShareAvailale Impressions On Absolut TopAvailableImpressionsOnAbsoluteTopFalseTrueMetric
Search Absolute Top Impression ShareAbsolute top impression percentageAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentageFalseTrueMetricThe percent of your ad impressions that are shown as the very first ad above the organic search results.
Search Absolute Top Impression ShareSearch absolute top impression shareSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShareTrueTrueMetricThe percentage of the customer's Shopping or Search ad impressions that are shown in the most prominent Shopping position. See for details. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
Search Absolute Top Impression ShareLost Absolute Top impressions due to budgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionsDueToBudgetFalseTrueMetric
Search Absolute Top Impression ShareLost Absolute Top impressions due to RankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionsDueToRankFalseTrueMetric
Search Absolute Top Impression ShareSearch budget lost absolute top impression shareSearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShareTrueTrueMetricThe number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad above the organic search results due to a low budget. Note: Search budget lost absolute top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
Search Absolute Top Impression ShareSearch rank lost absolute top impression shareSearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShareTrueTrueMetricThe number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad above the organic search results due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Search rank lost absolute top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
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