Estudo de Caso

Blog Estudo de Caso

McCann Business Growth: Como Medir o Impacto Real da Sua Estratégia de Publicidade

The Challenge of Measuring Marketing Impact One of the biggest struggles for marketers today is understanding...

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Blog Estudo de Caso

Case Study: HP Inc. leverages for streamlined media reporting and enhanced decision-making

Introduction Reporting plays a key role in the digital media strategies managed by Noor Shaikh, the...

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Blog Estudo de Caso

Descubra como a Globant GUT alcança maior produtividade e melhor qualidade de trabalho com as soluções da Dataslayer

Globant GUT is the marketing division of Globant, one of the fastest-growing technology companies globally, with...

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Blog Estudo de Caso

Ferramentas de IA: Uma funcionalidade revolucionária para Ambire

The Challenge of Predicting Campaign Performance AI Tools are crucial for analyzing data and measuring the...

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