Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien

Blog Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien

How to Supercharge Your Marketing Reporting by Integrating HubSpot with Dataslayer

This article explains how integrating HubSpot with Dataslayer can simplify marketing data collection, automate reporting, and...

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Blog Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien

How Dataslayer with HubSpot Reporting Automation Can Seamlessly Transform Account-Based Marketing

In this article we explain how Dataslayer and HubSpot integration can bring Account-Based Marketing (ABM) to...

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Blog Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien

How to Master Klaviyo Reporting: Best Practices to Automate Your Marketing Strategy with Dataslayer Integration

Learn how to automate your marketing strategy with Klaviyo and Discover best practices and use...

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Blog Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien

5 praktische Excel-Tipps für digitale Marketer

As a digital marketer, staying on top of performance metrics, client presentations, and campaign reports is...

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Blog Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien

Streamline Your Marketing Analytics with Excel Report and Dataslayer

Excel remains one of the most popular tools for creating detailed reports for marketing, and with...

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Blog Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien

X Insights Tool for Verified Organizations: Powerful Real-Time Analytics for Marketers

The new X Insights Tool, launched by X (formerly Twitter), is designed specifically for Verified Organizations...

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Blog Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien

 Marketing Mix Modeling: A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting an Insightful MMM Analysis

Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) is a powerful analytical tool that enables marketers to evaluate historical data...

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Blog Datenanalyse und Reporting im Marketing

A Tip to Increase Looker Studio Report Loading Time

Looker Studio is widely used by marketers for its simplicity in creating reports, but handling large...

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Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien Blog

Why You Absolutely Need Data Blending in Marketing for Better Results

Data blending helps combine data from different sources for a complete analysis thus showing insights without...

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Blog Datenanalyse und Reporting im Marketing

Dataslayer Pricing vs SuperMetrics Pricing: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Value

If you’re seeking an alternative to Supermetrics, Dataslayer is the tool worth exploring. Dataslayer provides agencies...

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Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien Blog

Unlock Success with Marketing Mix Modeling: A Beginner’s Guide to Optimizing Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) offers a powerful way to analyze and optimize your marketing efforts. This...

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Blog Digitale Marketing-Tools und Technologien

From Data Chaos to Powerful Clarity: The Role of Blended Connectors in Business Intelligence

Blended connectors are an essential solution for companies dealing with large volumes of data from various...

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