Amazon_ads Metrics



Group Field ID Has Conversion Is Formula Type Description
Dataslayer Dimensions Hub Account hub_account False False Dimension
Dataslayer Dimensions Connector name connector_name False False Dimension
Time Date date False False Dimension
Time Year year True False Dimension
Time Month month True False Dimension
Time Year-Month year_month True False Dimension
Time Week (Starting on Sunday) week True False Dimension
Time Week (Starting on Monday) week_iso True False Dimension
Time Year-Week (Starting on Monday) year_week_iso True False Dimension
Time Year-Week year_week True False Dimension
Time Start date startDate False False Dimension
Time End date endDate False False Dimension
Account Account name accountName False False Dimension Account name
Account Account ID accountId False False Dimension Account ID
Campaign Campaign active budget rule ID campaignApplicableBudgetRuleId False False Dimension The ID associated to the active budget rule for a campaign.
Campaign Campaign active budget rule name campaignApplicableBudgetRuleName False False Dimension The name associated to the active budget rule for a campaign.
Campaign Campaign bidding strategy campaignBiddingStrategy False False Dimension The bidding strategy associated with a campaign. Possible values for Sponsored Products: legacy (dynamic bids - down only), optimizeForSales (dynamic bids - up and down), manual (fixed bid).
Campaign Campaign budget amount campaignBudgetAmount False False Dimension Total budget allocated to the campaign.
Campaign Campaign budget currency code campaignBudgetCurrencyCode False False Dimension The currency code associated with the campaign.
Campaign Campaign budget type campaignBudgetType False False Dimension One of 'daily' or 'lifetime'.
Campaign Campaign ID campaignId False False Dimension The ID associated with the campaign
Campaign Campaign name campaignName False False Dimension The name associated with the campaign
Campaign Campaign status campaignStatus False False Dimension The status of the campaign
Campaign Campaign rule-based budget campaignRuleBasedBudgetAmount False False Dimension The value of the rule-based budget for a campaign.
Campaign Targeting targeting False False Dimension A string representation of the expression object used in the targeting clause. The targeting expression is also returned in keyword.
Campaign Targeting expression targetingExpression False False Dimension A string representation of the expression object used in the targeting clause.
Campaign Targeting ID targetingId False False Dimension The identifier of the targeting expression.
Campaign Targeting text targetingText False False Dimension The text used in the targeting expression.
Campaign Targeting text targetingType False False Dimension The text used in the targeting expression.
Campaign Campaign placement placementClassification False False Dimension The page location where an ad appeared.
Ad group Ad group ID adGroupId False False Dimension Unique numerical ID of the ad group.
Ad group Ad group name adGroupName False False Dimension The name of the ad group as entered by the advertiser.
Ad group Ad Group status adStatus False False Dimension Status of the ad group.
Ad Ad ID adId False False Dimension Unique numerical ID of the ad.
Keyword Ad Keyword status adKeywordStatus False False Dimension Current status of a keyword.
Keyword Keyword keyword False False Dimension Text of the keyword or a representation of the targeting expression. For targets, the same value
Keyword Keyword bid keywordBid False False Dimension Bid associated with a keyword or targeting expression.
Keyword Keyword ID keywordId False False Dimension ID associated with a keyword or targeting expression.
Keyword Keyword Type keywordType False False Dimension Type of matching for the keyword used in bid. For keywords, one of: BROAD, PHRASE, or EXACT. For targeting expressions, one of TARGETING_EXPRESSION or TARGETING_EXPRESSION_PREDEFINED.
Advertised Advertised ASIN advertisedAsin False False Dimension The ASIN associated to an advertised product.
Advertised Advertised SKU advertisedSku False False Dimension The SKU being advertised. Not available for vendors.
Advertised Attribution Type attributionType False False Dimension Describes whether a purchase is attributed to a promoted product or brand-halo effect.
Advertised Bid Optimization bidOptimization False False Dimension Bid optimization for Sponsored Display ad groups. For vCPM campaigns, the value is always reach. For CPC campaigns, value is either clicks or conversions.
Purchased Purchased ASIN purchasedAsin False False Dimension The ASIN of the product that was purchased.
Basic metrics Clicks clicks False False Metric Total number of ad clicks.
Basic metrics Impressions impressions False False Metric Total number of ad impressions.
Basic metrics Cost cost False False Metric Total cost of ad clicks. Same as spend.
Basic metrics Cost (AUD) cost_aud False True Metric Total cost of ad clicks. Same as spend.
Basic metrics Cost (GBP) cost_gbp False True Metric Total cost of ad clicks. Same as spend.
Basic metrics Cost (EUR) cost_eur False True Metric Total cost of ad clicks. Same as spend.
Basic metrics Cost (USD) cost_usd False True Metric Total cost of ad clicks. Same as spend.
Basic metrics CPC cpc False True Metric Total number of ad impressions.
Basic metrics CTR ctr False True Metric Clicks divided by impressions.
Attributed conversion Orders 1d purchases1d False False Metric Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of an ad click.
Attributed conversion Orders 7d purchases7d False False Metric Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of an ad click.
Attributed conversion Orders 14d purchases14d False False Metric Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of an ad click.
Attributed conversion Orders 30d purchases30d False False Metric Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of an ad click.
Attributed conversion Attributed conversions same SKU 1d purchasesOtherSku1d False False Metric Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of an ad click where the SKU purchased was different that the advertised SKU.
Attributed conversion Attributed conversions same SKU 7d purchasesOtherSku7d False False Metric Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of an ad click where the SKU purchased was different that the advertised SKU.
Attributed conversion Attributed conversions same SKU 14d purchasesOtherSku14d False False Metric Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of an ad click where the SKU purchased was different that the advertised SKU.
Attributed conversion Attributed conversions same SKU 30d purchasesOtherSku30d False False Metric Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of an ad click where the SKU purchased was different that the advertised SKU.
Attributed conversion New brand attributed conversions 14d newToBrandPurchases14d False False Metric Total number of attributed units ordered as part of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors.
Attributed conversion Conversion rate 1d 1dConversionRate False True Metric
Attributed conversion Conversion rate 7d 7dConversionRate False True Metric
Attributed conversion Conversion rate 14d 14dConversionRate False True Metric
Attributed conversion Conversion rate 30d 30dConversionRate False True Metric
Sales Sales 1d sales1d False False Metric Total value of sales occurring within 1 day of an ad click.
Sales Sales 7d sales7d False False Metric Total value of sales occurring within 7 days of an ad click.
Sales Sales 14d sales14d False False Metric Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click.
Sales Sales 30d sales30d False False Metric Total value of sales occurring within 30 days of an ad click.
Sales Sales other SKU 1d salesOtherSku1d False False Metric Total value of sales occurring within 1 day of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Sales Sales other SKU 7d salesOtherSku7d False False Metric Total value of sales occurring within 7 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Sales Sales other SKU 14d salesOtherSku14d False False Metric Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Sales Sales other SKU 30d salesOtherSku30d False False Metric Total value of sales occurring within 30 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Sales New brand sales 14d newToBrandSales False False Metric Total value of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view. Not available for book vendors.
Sales New brand sales 14d newToBrandSales14d False False Metric Total value of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors.
Units ordered Units ordered ad view unitsSoldViews False False Metric Number of attributed units sold within 14 days of an ad view.
Units ordered Units ordered unitsSoldClicks False False Metric Number of attributed units sold within 14 days of an ad click.
Units ordered Units ordered 1d unitsSoldClicks1d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 1 day of an ad click.
Units ordered Units ordered 7d unitsSoldClicks7d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 7 days of an ad click.
Units ordered Units ordered 14d unitsSoldClicks14d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 14 days of an ad click.
Units ordered Units ordered 30d unitsSoldClicks30d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 30 days of an ad click.
Units ordered Units ordered other SKU 1d unitsSoldOtherSku1d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 1 day of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Units ordered Units ordered other SKU 7d unitsSoldOtherSku7d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 7 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Units ordered Units ordered other SKU 14d unitsSoldOtherSku14d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 14 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Units ordered Units ordered other SKU 30d unitsSoldOtherSku30d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 30 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Units ordered Units ordered same SKU 1d unitsSoldSameSku1d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 1 day of an ad click where the purchased SKU was same from the SKU advertised.
Units ordered Units ordered same SKU 7d unitsSoldSameSku7d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 7 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was same from the SKU advertised.
Units ordered Units ordered same SKU 14d unitsSoldSameSku14d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 14 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was same from the SKU advertised.
Units ordered Units ordered same SKU 30d unitsSoldSameSku30d False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 30 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was same from the SKU advertised.
Units ordered Units sold 14d (Only Sponsored brands) unitsSold14d False False Metric Number of attributed units sold within 14 days of click on an ad. Same as unitsSoldClicks14d. Only valid for Sponsored Brands version 3 campaigns, not Sponsored Brands video or multi-ad group (version 4) campaigns.
Units ordered Units sold brand halo unitsSoldBrandHalo False False Metric For Sponsored Display vCPM campaigns, the total number of units ordered within 14 days of an ad click or view where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised. For CPC campaigns, this value is equal to attributedUnitsOrdered14dOtherSKU.
Units ordered Units sold brand halo clicks unitsSoldBrandHaloClicks False False Metric Total number of units ordered within 14 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Units ordered Orders 14d (Only Sponsored brands) orders14d False False Metric Orders within the last 14 days.
Units ordered New brand units ordered 14d newToBrandUnitsSold14d False False Metric Total number of attributed units ordered as part of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors.
Kindle Kindle edition normalized pages read 14d kindleEditionNormalizedPagesRead14d False False Metric Number of attributed Kindle edition normalized pages read within 14 days of ad click.
Kindle Kindel edition normalized pages royalties 14d kindleEditionNormalizedPagesRoyalties14d False False Metric The estimated royalties of attributed estimated Kindle edition normalized pages within 14 days of ad click.
ROAS ROAS 1d 1droas False True Metric
ROAS ROAS 7d 7droas False True Metric
ROAS ROAS 14d 14droas False True Metric
ROAS ROAS 30d 30droas False True Metric
ACoS ACoS 1d 1dacos False True Metric
ACoS ACoS 7d 7dacos False True Metric
ACoS ACoS 14d 14dacos False True Metric
ACoS ACoS 30d 30dacos False True Metric
Video views Video views 5s video5SecondViews False False Metric The number of impressions where the customer watched the complete video or 5 seconds (whichever is shorter). Sponsored Brands video-only metric.
Video views Video views 100% videoCompleteViews False False Metric The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 100%.
Video views Video views 5s rate video5SecondViewRate False True Metric The percentage of impressions where the customer watched the complete video or 5 seconds of the video (whichever is shorter). Sponsored Brands video-only metric.
Video views Video views 25% videoFirstQuartileViews False False Metric The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 25%.
Video views Video views 50% videoMidpointViews False False Metric The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 50%.
Video views Video views 75% videoThirdQuartileViews False False Metric The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 75%.
Video views Video unmutes videoUnmutes False False Metric The number of impressions where a customer unmuted the video.
Video views View-through rate viewabilityRate False True Metric View-through rate (vtr). Views divided by impressions.
Video views Viewable impressions viewableImpressions False False Metric Number of impressions that met the Media Ratings Council (MRC) viewability standard (50 percent of the ad viewable with two seconds playback completed). Sponsored Brands video-only metric.
Video views Video click through rate viewClickThroughRate False True Metric Click-through rate for views (clicks divided by views).
Brandes searches Branded searches brandedSearches False False Metric The number of searches that included the name of your brand occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view.
Brandes searches Branded searches clicks brandedSearchesClicks False False Metric The number of searches that included the name of your brand occurring within 14 days of an ad click.
Brandes searches Branded searches views brandedSearchesViews False False Metric The number of times a branded keyword was searched on Amazon based on the brands associated to the featured ASINs in your campaign, attributed to an ad view.
Brandes searches Branded searches rate brandedSearchRate False False Metric Rate of Branded Searches relative to the number of impressions. (BS/Impressions)
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