Move your data into Looker Studio
Make the most of Looker Studio´s dashboards with all your data from any source
With Dataslayer for Looker Studio you can import all your campaign data from Facebook, TikTok, Bing, Google Ads, DV360, Google Analytics and more.
Get your data into Looker Studio faster and save time with your reporting.
* No credit card required
Show your results with stunning dashboards
With Dataslayer for Looker Studio you can easily create highly visual dashboards that will impress your clients. By bringing Facebook, Bing and many other sources of data directly into the Looker Studio interface, this tool opens up Looker Studio for new data sources and faster, better reporting for your clients.
Easily create and update dashboards
It’s super easy to create dashboards and update them automatically in Looker Studio. We fetch data from Google Analytics, Adwords, DV360, Facebook, Bing and more to come!