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GroupFieldID Has Conversion Is FormulaTypeDescription
Dataslayer DimensionsHub Accounthub_account Dimension
Dataslayer DimensionsConnector nameconnector_name Dimension
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AccountAccount nameaccount_name Dimension
AccountAccount IDaccount_id Dimension
ProfileProfile usernameprofile_username Dimension
ProfileProfile nameprofile_name Dimension
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ProfileProfile has default profile imagedefault_profile_image Dimension
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ProfileProfile background image URLprofile_background_image Dimension
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ProfileProfile time zonetime_zone Dimension
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ProfileProfile countries withheldwithheld_in_countries Dimension
Organic TweetTweet IDtweet_id Dimension
Organic TweetTweet texttweet_text Dimension
Organic TweetTweet nametweet_name Dimension
Organic TweetTweet creation datetweet_creation_date Dimension
Organic TweetTweet creation date & timetweet_creation_datetime Dimension
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Organic TweetTweet is reweetedtweet_reweeted Dimension
Organic TweetTweet is conversation settingstweet_conversation_settings Dimension
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Organic TweetTweet is replytweet_is_reply Dimension
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ProfileFollowersfollowers Metric
ProfileFollowingfollowing Metric
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ProfileFavourites countfavourites_count Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataImpressionsimpressions Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataTweets sendtweets_send Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataQualified impressionsqualified_impressions Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataFollowsfollows Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataApp clicksapp_clicks Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataRetweetsretweets Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataUnfollowsunfollows Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataLikeslikes Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataEngagementsengagements Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataEngagement rateengagement_rate Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataClicksclicks Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataCard engagementscard_engagements Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataPoll card votepoll_card_vote Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataRepliesreplies Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataURL clicksurl_clicks Metric
Engagement - Only 90 days of dataCarousel Swipescarousel_swipes Metric
Total EngagementTotal retweetstotal_retweets Metric
Total EngagementTotal likestotal_likes Metric
Video - Only 90 days of dataVideo total viewsvideo_total_views MetricTotal number of video views
Video - Only 90 days of dataVideo 25% viewsvideo_views_25 MetricTotal number of views where at least 25% of the video was viewed
Video - Only 90 days of dataVideo 50% viewsvideo_views_50 MetricTotal number of views where at least 50% of the video was viewed
Video - Only 90 days of dataVideo 75% viewsvideo_views_75 MetricTotal number of views where at least 75% of the video was viewed
Video - Only 90 days of dataVideo 100% viewsvideo_views_100 MetricTotal number of views where at least 100% of the video was viewed
Video - Only 90 days of dataVideo CTA viewsvideo_cta_clicks MetricTotal clicks on the call to action
Video - Only 90 days of dataVideo total playback startsvideo_content_starts MetricTotal number of video playback starts
Video - Only 90 days of dataVideo 3s played (over 100% viewed)video_3s100pct_views MetricTotal number of views where at least 3 seconds were played while 100% in view (legacy video_total_views)
Video - Only 90 days of dataVideo 6s played (over 100% viewed)video_6s_views MetricTotal number of views where at least 6 seconds of the video was viewed
Video - Only 90 days of dataVideo 15s played (over 100% viewed)video_15s_views MetricTotal number of views where at least 15 seconds of the video was viewed