LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads

GroupFieldID Has Conversion Is FormulaTypeDescription
Dataslayer DimensionsHub Accounthub_account Dimension
Dataslayer DimensionsConnector nameconnector_name Dimension
TimeDateday Dimension
TimeMonthmonth Dimension
TimeYearyear Dimension
TimeWeek (Starting on Monday)week Dimension
TimeYear-Monthyear_month Dimension
TimeYear-Week (Starting on Monday)year_week Dimension
AccountAccount Nameaccount_name Dimension
AccountAccount IDaccount_id Dimension
AccountAccount Currencyaccount_currency Dimension
Campaign GroupCampaign Group Namecampaign_group_name Dimension
Campaign GroupCampaign Group IDcampaign_group_id Dimension
Campaign GroupCampaign Group Statuscampaign_group_status Dimension
CampaignCampaign Namecampaign_name Dimension
CampaignCampaign IDcampaign_id Dimension
CampaignCampaign Create Datecampaign_created_date Dimension
CampaignCampaign Statuscampaign_status Dimension
CampaignCampaign Typecampaign_type Dimension
CampaignCampaign Objective Typecampaign_objective_type Dimension
CampaignCampaign Target Typecampaign_target_type Dimension
CampaignCampaign Cost Typecampaign_cost_type Dimension
CampaignCampaign Daily Budgetcampaign_daily_budget Dimension
CampaignCampaign Total Budgetcampaign_total_budget Dimension
CampaignCampaign Unit Costcampaign_unit_cost Dimension
CampaignCampaign Start Datecampaign_start_date Dimension
CampaignCampaign Start Datetimecampaign_start_datetime Dimension
CampaignCampaign End Datecampaign_end_date Dimension
CampaignCampaign End Datetimecampaign_end_datetime Dimension
CampaignCampaign Versioncampaign_version Dimension
CreativeCreative IDcreative_id Dimension
CreativeCreative Headlinecreative_headline Dimension
CreativeCreative Descriptioncreative_description Dimension
CreativeCreative Statuscreative_status Dimension
CreativeCreative Review Statuscreative_review_status Dimension
CreativeCreative Typecreative_type Dimension
CreativeCreative Namecreative_name Dimension
CreativeCreative Titlecreative_title Dimension
CreativeCreative Textcreative_text Dimension
CreativeCreative Destination URLcreative_url Dimension
CreativeCreative Subject (InMail)creative_subject Dimension
CreativeCreative HTML Body (InMail)creative_html_body Dimension
CreativeCreative Sender ID (InMail)creative_sender Dimension
CreativeCreative Custom Footer (InMail)creative_custom_footer Dimension
CreativeCreative Call to action text (InMail)creative_call_to_action Dimension
CreativeCreative Call to action URL (InMail)creative_call_to_action_landing_page Dimension
CreativeCreative POST URLcreative_post_url Dimension
CreativeCreative Thumbnail URLcreative_thumbnail_url Dimension
CreativeCreative Thumbnail Imagecreative_thumbnail_image Dimension
CreativeCreative Download media URLcreative_download_image_video_url Dimension
CreativeCreative Download document URLcreative_download_document_url Dimension
CreativeCreative Reference Typecreative_reference_type Dimension
CreativeCreative Reference IDcreative_reference_id Dimension
CreativeCreative Versioncreative_version Dimension
DemographicsCompany Sizemember_company_size Dimension
DemographicsIndustrymember_industry Dimension
DemographicsSenioritymember_seniority Dimension
DemographicsJob Titlemember_job_title Dimension
DemographicsJob Functionmember_job_function Dimension
DemographicsCountrymember_country_v2 Dimension
DemographicsRegionmember_region Dimension
DemographicsCompanymember_company Dimension
ConversionsConversion IDconversion_id Dimension
ConversionsConversion Nameconversion_name Dimension
ConversionsConversion Typeconversion_type Dimension
ConversionsConversion Enabledconversion_enabled Dimension
ConversionsConversion Valueconversion_value Dimension
ConversionsConversion Currencyconversion_currency Dimension
PerformanceClicksclicks MetricThe count of chargeable clicks. Despite not charging for clicks for CPM campaigns, this field still represents those clicks for which we would otherwise charge advertisers (for example, clicks to view the landing page or company page).
PerformanceImpressionsimpressions MetricThis is the count of "impressions" for Direct Ads and Sponsored Updates and "sends" for InMails.
PerformanceCTRctr Metric
PerformanceReachapproximateUniqueImpressions MetricThe estimated number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. This metric is only available when the number of days in the date range is less than or equal to 92 days
PerformanceFrequencyfrequency MetricThe approximate reach of the campaign. The number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. This metric is not returned by default. It must be explicitly requested in the projection parameter to be returned. See an example of this under Requesting Specific Metrics in the Analytics Finder.
PerformanceCompany Page ClickscompanyPageClicks MetricThe count of clicks to view the company page.
PerformanceLanding Page ClickslandingPageClicks MetricThe count of clicks which take the user to the creative landing page.
PerformanceOther EngagementsotherEngagements MetricThe count of user interactions with the ad unit that do not fit into any other more specific category.
PerformanceSocial ActionssocialActions Metric
PerformanceTotal EngagementstotalEngagements MetricThe count of all user interactions with the ad unit.
PerformanceCostcostInLocalCurrency MetricCost in the account's local currency based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by member company size per month if the pivot is MEMBER_COMPANY_SIZE and timeGranularity is MONTHLY. Cost is not adjusted for overdelivery when a member demographic pivot is specified in the request.
PerformanceCost (USD)costInUsd Metric
PerformanceCost (EUR)costInEUR Metric
PerformanceCost (GBP)costInGBP Metric
PerformanceCost (AUD)costInAUD Metric
PerformanceCPCcpc Metric
PerformanceCPMcpm Metric
PerformanceSubscription ClickssubscriptionClicks MetricThe count of clicks to subscribe to a series, such as a Newsletter.
Social ActionsComment LikescommentLikes MetricThe count of likes of a comment. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsCommentscomments MetricThe count of comments. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsFollowsfollows MetricThe count of follows. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsReactionsreactions MetricThe count of positive reactions on Sponsored Updates which can capture, like, interest, praise, and other responses.
Social ActionsLikeslikes MetricThe count of likes. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsSharesshares MetricThe count of shares. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral ClicksviralClicks MetricThe count of clicks on viral impressions. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral Comment LikesviralCommentLikes MetricThe count of likes on comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral CommentsviralComments MetricThe count of comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral Company Page ClicksviralCompanyPageClicks MetricThe count of clicks to view the company page from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral External Website ConversionsviralExternalWebsiteConversions MetricThe count of conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral event. See viral impressions definition.
Social ActionsViral External Website Post Click ConversionsviralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions MetricThe count of post-click conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral click. See viral impressions definition.
Social ActionsViral External Website Post View ConversionsviralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions MetricThe count of post-view conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral impression. See viral impressions definition.
Social ActionsViral FollowsviralFollows MetricThe count of follows from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral ImpressionsviralImpressions MetricThe count of viral impressions for this activity. Viral impressions are those resulting from users sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections. Viral impressions are not counted as regular impressions. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral Landing Page ClicksviralLandingPageClicks MetricThe count of clicks on viral impressions to take the user to the creative landing page. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral LikesviralLikes MetricThe count of likes from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral ReactionsviralReactions MetricThe count of positive reactions on viral Sponsored Updates which can capture like, interest, praise, and other responses. See viral impressions definition for details on viral engagements.
Social ActionsViral SharesviralShares MetricThe count of shares from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral Total EngagementsviralTotalEngagements MetricThe count of all user interactions with a viral ad unit. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only.
Social ActionsViral Subscription ClicksviralSubscriptionClicks MetricThe count of viral clicks to subscribe to a series, such as a Newsletter
EmailsOpensopens MetricThe count of opens of Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only.
EmailsSendssends MetricThe count of sends of Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only.
EmailsAction ClicksactionClicks MetricThe count of clicks on the action button of the Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only.
EmailsAd Unit ClicksadUnitClicks MetricThe count of clicks on the ad unit displayed alongside the Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only.
EmailsText Url ClickstextUrlClicks MetricThe count of clicks on any links (anchor tags) that were included in the body of the Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only.
EmailsLead Generation Mail Contact Info SharesleadGenerationMailContactInfoShares MetricThe number of times users shared contact info through the One Click Lead Gen for Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only.
EmailsLead Generation Mail Interested ClicksleadGenerationMailInterestedClicks MetricThe count of InMail recipients who clicked to demonstrate interest. Sponsored InMail only.
One-Click leads CampaignOne Click LeadsoneClickLeads MetricThe count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen.
One-Click leads CampaignOne Click Lead Form OpensoneClickLeadFormOpens MetricThe count of times users opened the lead form for a One Click Lead Gen campaign.
One-Click leads CampaignViral One Click Lead Form OpensviralOneClickLeadFormOpens MetricThe count of times users opened the lead form for viral impressions from a Lead Gen campaign. See viral impressions definition.
One-Click leads CampaignViral One Click LeadsviralOneClickLeads MetricThe count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition.
One-Click leads CampaignLead Form Completion RateleadFromCompletionRate Metric
One-Click leads CampaignCost per One-Click LeadcostPerLead Metric
One-Click leads CampaignQualified LeadsqualifiedLeads MetricThe count of qualified leads shared by the advertiser. Qualified lead is a lead that has been deemed more likely to become a customer compared to other leads, based on their engagement and fit.
One-Click leads CampaignCost per Qualified LeadcostPerQualifiedLead MetricHow much money was spent per qualified lead
VideoVideo CompletionsvideoCompletions MetricThe count of video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
VideoVideo First Quartile CompletionsvideoFirstQuartileCompletions MetricThe count of video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
VideoVideo Midpoint CompletionsvideoMidpointCompletions MetricThe count of video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
VideoVideo Third Quartile CompletionsvideoThirdQuartileCompletions MetricThe count of video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE.
VideoVideo StartsvideoStarts MetricThe count of video ads that were started by users.
VideoVideo ViewsvideoViews MetricA video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to fullscreen mode) does not count as a view.
VideoViral Full Screen PlaysviralFullScreenPlays MetricThe count of taps on the video, going into video view mode. See viralImpressions definition.
VideoViral Video CompletionsviralVideoCompletions MetricThe count of viral video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
VideoViral Video First Quartile CompletionsviralVideoFirstQuartileCompletions MetricThe count of viral video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
VideoViral Video Midpoint CompletionsviralVideoMidpointCompletions MetricThe count of viral video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition.
VideoViral Video Third Quartile CompletionsviralVideoThirdQuartileCompletions MetricThe count of viral video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition
VideoViral Video StartsviralVideoStarts MetricThe count of viral video ads that were started by users. See viralImpressions definition. Since viral videos are automatically played for ON_SITE, this will be the same as viralImpressions if the servingLocation is ON_SITE.
VideoViral Video ViewsviralVideoViews MetricA viral video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to full screen mode) does not count as a view. See viralImpressions definition.
DownloadsDownload ClicksdownloadClicks MetricThe number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in an ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g. if the user rejects a browser download prompt). This metric is only available for ad formats supporting media downloads.
DownloadsViral Download ClicksviralDownloadClicks MetricThe number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in a viral ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g. if the user rejects a browser download prompt). Only available for ads supporting media downloads.
DownloadsDocument First Quartile CompletionsdocumentFirstQuartileCompletions MetricThe number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
DownloadsDocument Midpoint CompletionsdocumentMidpointCompletions MetricThe number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
DownloadsDocument Third Quartile CompletionsdocumentThirdQuartileCompletions MetricThe number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
DownloadsDocument CompletionsdocumentCompletions MetricThe number of times users reached 100% of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
DownloadsViral Document First Quartile CompletionsviralDocumentFirstQuartileCompletions MetricThe number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
DownloadsViral Document Midpoint CompletionsviralDocumentMidpointCompletions MetricThe number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
DownloadsViral Document Third Quartile CompletionsviralDocumentThirdQuartileCompletions MetricThe number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
DownloadsViral Document CompletionsviralDocumentCompletions MetricThe number of times users reached 100% of the document's length on a viral post, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions.
ConversionsConversion valuesconversionValueInLocalCurrency MetricNon-demographic pivots only. Value of the conversions in the account's local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser. Conversion value is set by the advertiser at a per conversion level, and aggregated across the query time range.
ConversionsExternal Website ConversionsexternalWebsiteConversions MetricThe count of conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.
ConversionsExternal Website Post Click ConversionsexternalWebsitePostClickConversions MetricThe count of post-click conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.
ConversionsExternal Website Post View ConversionsexternalWebsitePostViewConversions MetricThe count of post-view conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website.
ConversionsConversion RateconversionRate Metric
ConversionsCost per ConversioncostPerConversion Metric
ConversionsReturn on SpendretunrOnSpend Metric