Facebookinsights Metrics
- Apple Search Ads
- Amazon Ads
- Bing
- Criteo
- DV360
- Facebook Insights
- Facebook Public Data
- Google Ads
- Google Ad Manager
- Google Analytics V4
- Google My Business
- Google New SA360
- Google Search Console
- Google Trends
- Hubspot
- Instagram Insights
- Instagram Public Data
- Klaviyo
- LinkedIn Ads
- LinkedIn Pages
- Mailchimp
- Shopify
- Snapchat
- Stripe
- Tik Tok
- Tik Tok Insights
- Twitter Insights
- Woocommerce
- YouTube
Group | Field | ID | Has Conversion | Is Formula | Type | Description |
Dataslayer Dimensions | Hub Account | hub_account | False | False | Dimension | |
Dataslayer Dimensions | Connector name | connector_name | False | False | Dimension | |
Time | Year | year | True | False | Dimension | |
Time | Year-month | yearmonth | True | False | Dimension | |
Time | Year-week (Starting on monday) | yearweek | True | False | Dimension | |
Time | Month | month | True | False | Dimension | |
Time | Week (Starting on monday) | weekiso | True | False | Dimension | |
Time | Week (Starting on sunday) | weeknotiso | True | False | Dimension | |
Time | Date | date | True | False | Dimension | |
Page | Page name | page_name | False | False | Dimension | |
Page | Page ID | page_id | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post ID | post_id | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post name | post_name | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Link to post | post_permalink_url | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post type | post_type | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post message | post_message | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post story | post_story | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post description | post_description | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post status type | post_status_type | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post privacy | post_privacy | True | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post shared link | post_link | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post shared link unshimmed | post_unshimmed_link | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post object ID | post_object_id | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post thumbnail URL | post_picture | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post image URL | post_full_picture | False | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post image | post_full_picture_image | True | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post video length (s) | post_video_length | True | False | Dimension | |
Post | Post creation time | post_created_time_of_day | True | False | Dimension | |
Post comment | Post comment text | post_comment_text | False | False | Dimension | |
Post comment | Post comment author | post_comment_author | False | False | Dimension | |
Post comment | Post comment date | post_comment_date | False | False | Dimension | |
Post comment | Post comment time | post_comment_time | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video ID | video_id | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Universal video ID | universal_video_id | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video title | video_title | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video description | video_description | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video content category | content_category | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video live status | live_status | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video post publish status | video_published | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video image URL | video_picture | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video source URL | video_source | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video permalink URL | video_permalink_url | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video embeddable | video_embeddable | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video embed HTML | video_embed_html | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Is crossposting eligibility | is_crossposting_eligible | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Is Instagram eligibility | is_instagram_eligible | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video length (s) | video_length | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video creation time of day | video_created_time_of_day | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video backdated time | backdated_time | False | False | Dimension | |
Video | Video backdated time granularity | backdated_time_granularity | False | False | Dimension | |
Location | Country | country | False | False | Dimension | |
Location | City | city | False | False | Dimension | |
Location | Language | locale | False | False | Dimension | |
Reviews/recommendations | Review creation datetime | page_review_created_time | False | False | Dimension | |
Reviews/recommendations | Review creation date | page_review_date | False | False | Dimension | |
Reviews/recommendations | Reviewer ID | page_review_reviewer_id | False | False | Dimension | |
Reviews/recommendations | Reviewer | page_review_reviewer_name | False | False | Dimension | |
Reviews/recommendations | Has rating | page_review_has_rating | False | False | Dimension | |
Reviews/recommendations | Has review | page_review_has_review | False | False | Dimension | |
Reviews/recommendations | Recommendation type | page_review_recommendation_type | False | False | Dimension | |
Reviews/recommendations | Review text | page_review_text | False | False | Dimension | |
Page likes | Total likes | page_fans | False | False | Metric | |
Page likes | New likes | page_fan_adds | False | False | Metric | |
Page likes | Page followers | page_followers | False | False | Metric | |
Page likes | New likes (unique users) | page_fan_adds_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Page likes | Unlikes | page_fan_removes | False | False | Metric | |
Page likes | Unlikes (unique users) | page_fan_removes_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Page likes | Net likes | netfangrowth | False | True | Metric | |
Reach | Total reach | page_impressions_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | Organic reach | page_impressions_organic_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | Paid reach | page_impressions_paid_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | Viral reach | page_impressions_viral_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | Non-viral reach | page_impressions_nonviral_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | Total reach of posts | page_posts_impressions_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | Paid reach of posts | page_posts_impressions_paid_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | Viral reach of posts | page_posts_impressions_viral_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | Non-viral reach of posts | page_posts_impressions_nonviral_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | People visiting your page | page_views_logged_in_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | Post reach (page likers [fans] only) | post_impressions_fan_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reach | Post impressions (page likers [fans] only) | post_impressions_fan | False | False | Metric | |
Engagement and sharing | Page post engagements | page_post_engagements | False | False | Metric | |
Engagement and sharing | Post engagements | post_engagements | False | True | Metric | |
Engagement and sharing | Post engagements Rate | post_engagement_rate | False | True | Metric | |
Engagement and sharing | Clicks | page_consumptions | True | False | Metric | |
Engagement and sharing | Stories | stories | False | False | Metric | |
Post actions | Post comments | post_comments | False | False | Metric | |
Post actions | Post shares | post_shares | True | False | Metric | |
Post actions | Post likes | post_likes | True | False | Metric | |
Post actions | Post comments shared | post_unique_comments | True | False | Metric | |
Post actions | Post shares shared | post_unique_shares | True | False | Metric | |
Post actions | Post likes shared | post_unique_likes | True | False | Metric | |
Post actions | Post other clicks | post_other_clicks | True | False | Metric | |
Post actions | Post photo views | post_photo_views | True | False | Metric | |
Post actions | Post video plays | post_video_plays | True | False | Metric | |
Post actions | Post link clicks | post_link_clicks | True | False | Metric | |
Post reactions | Total post reactions | post_reactions_total | False | False | Metric | |
Post reactions | Post reactions: like | post_reactions_like | False | False | Metric | |
Post reactions | Post reactions: love | post_reactions_love | False | False | Metric | |
Post reactions | Post reactions: wow | post_reactions_wow | False | False | Metric | |
Post reactions | Post reactions: haha | post_reactions_haha | False | False | Metric | |
Post reactions | Post reactions: sad | post_reactions_sorry | False | False | Metric | |
Post reactions | Post reactions: angry | post_reactions_anger | False | False | Metric | |
Content impressions | Total page views | page_views | False | False | Metric | |
Content impressions | Total impressions | impressions | False | False | Metric | |
Content impressions | Paid impressions | impressions_paid | False | False | Metric | |
Content impressions | Organic impressions | impressions_organic | False | False | Metric | |
Content impressions | Viral impressions | impressions_viral | False | False | Metric | |
Content impressions | Non-viral impressions | impressions_nonviral | False | False | Metric | |
Content impressions | Total impressions of posts | page_posts_impressions | False | False | Metric | |
Content impressions | Paid impressions of posts | page_posts_impressions_paid | False | False | Metric | |
Content impressions | Viral impressions of posts | page_posts_impressions_viral | False | False | Metric | |
Content impressions | Non-viral impressions of posts | page_posts_impressions_nonviral | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Organic complete video views | post_video_complete_views_organic | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Unique organic complete video views | post_video_complete_views_organic_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Paid complete video views | post_video_complete_views_paid | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Unique paid complete video views | post_video_complete_views_paid_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Total video views | video_views | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Unique video views | video_views_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Organic video views | video_views_organic | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Paid video views | video_views_paid | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Auto-played video views | video_views_autoplayed | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Clicked to play video views | video_views_click_to_play | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Total video views with sound on | video_views_sound_on | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Total video view time (s) | video_view_time | False | False | Metric | |
Video views | Organic video view time (s) | post_video_view_time_organic | False | False | Metric | |
Video 30-second views | Total 30s video views | video_complete_views_30s | False | False | Metric | |
Video 30-second views | Unique 30s video views | video_complete_views_30s_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Video 30-second views | Organic 30s video views | video_complete_views_30s_organic | False | False | Metric | |
Video 30-second views | Paid 30s video views | video_complete_views_30s_paid | False | False | Metric | |
Video 30-second views | Auto-played 30s video views | video_complete_views_30s_autoplayed | False | False | Metric | |
Video 30-second views | Clicked to play 30s video views | video_complete_views_30s_click_to_play | False | False | Metric | |
Video reactions (video-dimensions only) | Total video reactions | video_reactions_total | True | False | Metric | |
Video reactions (video-dimensions only) | Video reactions: like | video_reactions_like | True | False | Metric | |
Video reactions (video-dimensions only) | Video reactions: love | video_reactions_love | True | False | Metric | |
Video reactions (video-dimensions only) | Video reactions: wow | video_reactions_wow | True | False | Metric | |
Video reactions (video-dimensions only) | Video reactions: haha | video_reactions_haha | True | False | Metric | |
Video reactions (video-dimensions only) | Video reactions: sad | video_reactions_sorry | True | False | Metric | |
Video reactions (video-dimensions only) | Video reactions: angry | video_reactions_anger | True | False | Metric | |
Reels (video-dimensions only) | Reels play count | blue_reels_play_count | False | False | Metric | |
Reels (video-dimensions only) | Reels Unique Impressions | post_impressions_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reels (video-dimensions only) | Reels average video time watched | post_video_avg_time_watched | False | False | Metric | |
Reels (video-dimensions only) | Reels likes | post_video_likes_by_reaction_type | True | False | Metric | |
Reels (video-dimensions only) | Reels Shares | post_video_social_actions | True | False | Metric | |
Reels (video-dimensions only) | Reels total view time | post_video_view_time | False | False | Metric | |
Check-ins | Check-ins using mobile | page_places_checkin_mobile | False | False | Metric | |
Check-ins | People checking in using mobile | page_places_checkin_mobile_unique | False | False | Metric | |
Reviews/recommendations | Page reviews | page_reviews | False | False | Metric | |
Reviews/recommendations | Page review rating | page_review_rating | False | False | Metric | |
Video Ad Break | Page daily Video ad break ad impressions crossposted | page_daily_video_ad_break_ad_impressions_crossposted | False | False | Metric | |
Video Ad Break | Page daily Video ad break ad impressions owned | page_daily_video_ad_break_ad_impressions_owned | False | False | Metric | |
Video Ad Break | Page daily Video ad break earning crossposted | page_daily_video_ad_break_earnings_crossposted | False | False | Metric | |
Video Ad Break | Page daily Video ad break earning owned | page_daily_video_ad_break_earnings_owned | False | False | Metric | |
Video Ad Break | RPM (Page revenue per thousand impressions) | rpm | False | True | Metric | |
Video Ad Break | Page daily Video ad break CPM crossposted | page_daily_video_ad_break_cpm_crossposted | False | False | Metric | |
Video Ad Break | Page daily Video ad break CPM owned | page_daily_video_ad_break_cpm_owned | False | False | Metric | |
Video Ad Break | Post Video ad break ad impressions | post_video_ad_break_ad_impressions | False | False | Metric | |
Video Ad Break | Post Video ad break ad earnings | post_video_ad_break_earnings | False | False | Metric | |
Video Ad Break | Post Video ad break ad cpm | post_video_ad_break_ad_cpm | False | False | Metric |
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