Available Formulas

ANDReturns True if all expressions passed are TrueAND(logical_expression1, logical_expression2, logical_expression3...)
AVGReturns the mean for all parameters passed in the function. Parameters should be numbers.AVG(value1, value2, value3...)
CONCATReturn the concatenation for all parameters passed splitted by commas. You can change the split characters. The characters indicates in sep parameter (as a string, ie: ", ") will be the characters to split all values, and it is optional. The result for SUM(value1, value2, sep" | ") will be "value1 | value2".CONCAT(value1, value2, value3..., sep=characters)
DATEDIFCalculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates. Unit should be "days", "months" or "years". If you passed a bad unit we calculated using days as default.DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)
DIVIDEReturns the result of dividing the two parameters passed in the function (value1 / value2). Parameters should be numbers. If second parameter is 0, the function returns 0DIVIDE(value1, value2)
IFIf first parameter is True returns the second one. Returns the third one otherwise.IF(logical_expression, value_if_true, value_if_false)
ISOWEEKReturns a number representing the week of the year where the provided date falls, in ISO format (starting on Monday).ISOWEEK(date)
ISOYEARWEEKReturns the Year and week for a specific date falls in, YYYY|W format. Week is iso format (starting on Monday). In case youe select LookerStudio format option, the format will be YYYY-W.ISOYEARWEEK(date)
MAXReturn the maximum value of all parameters passed in the function. Parameters should be numbers.MAX(value1, value2, value3...)
MINReturn the minimum value of all parameters passed in the function. Parameters should be numbers.MIN(value1, value2, value3...)
MINUSReturns the subtraction for all parameters passed in the function (value1 - value2 - value3...). Parameters should be numbers.MINUS(value1, value2, value3...)
MONTHReturns the month of the year a specific date falls in, in numeric format.MONTH(date)
MULTIPLYReturns the multiplication for all parameters passed in the function. Parameters should be numbers.MULTIPLY(value1, value2, value3...)
NOTReturns the opposite of a logical value. NOT(TRUE) return FALSE.NOT(logical_expression)
NOWReturns the current date and time as a date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format).NOW()
ORReturns True if one of all expressions passed is TrueOR(logical_expression1, logical_expression2, logical_expression3...)
POWERReturns the result of the power the two parameters passed in the function (value1 ^ value2). Parameters should be numbers.POWER(value1, value2)
SUMReturns the sum for all parameters passed in the function. Parameters should be numbers.SUM(value1, value2, value3...)
TODAYReturns the current date (YYYY-MM-DD format).TODAY()
WEEKReturns a number representing the week of the year where the provided date falls.WEEK(date)
WEEKDAYReturns the week day a specific date falls in, in numeric format, 0-> Monday ... 6-> sunday.WEEKDAY(date)
YEARReturns the year a specific date falls in, in numeric format.YEAR(date)
YEARMONTHReturns the Year and month for a specific date falls in, YYYY|MM format In case youe select LookerStudio format option, the format will be YYYY-MM.YEARMONTH(date)
YEARWEEKReturns the Year and week for a specific date falls in, YYYY|U format In case youe select LookerStudio format option, the format will be YYYY-U.YEARWEEK(date)