Campaign Optimization and Analytics

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7 Tips to Optimize Your LinkedIn Ads Ca...

mayo 20, 2022

In this article, we will discuss the 7 powerful ways to optimize your LinkedIn Ads Campaigns. We will also cover why optimization is extremely important […]

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Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score w...

enero 4, 2021

Google ads’ quality score rates the relevancy of your ads through keywords, landing pages as well as a search query. If you are using Adwords, […]

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Why Defining Goals is Important in PPC ...

noviembre 26, 2020

If you are a PPC marketer, then your goal behind PPC reporting is to make your clients aware of the positive impact on their campaign […]

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Improve Your Efficiency with Comprehens...

noviembre 24, 2020

Many business professionals who engage in PPC marketing say that creating and managing PPC reports is their biggest time sink. They invest a lot of […]

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