Google_ad_manager Metrics



GroupFieldIDHas ConversionIs FormulaTypeDescription
Dataslayer DimensionsHub Accounthub_accountFalseFalseDimension
Dataslayer DimensionsConnector nameconnector_nameFalseFalseDimension
TimeYear-Week (Starting on Monday)YearWeekTrueFalseDimension
TimeWeek (Starting on Monday)WeekTrueFalseDimension
TimeWeek (Starting on Sunday)WeekNotIsoTrueFalseDimension
TimeYear-Week (Starting on Sunday)YearWeekNotIsoTrueFalseDimension
TimeDay of MonthDayOfMonthTrueFalseDimension
TimeDay of weekDayOfWeekTrueFalseDimension
AdvertiserAdvertiser IDadvertiser_idFalseFalseDimension
AdvertiserAdvertiser nameadvertiser_nameFalseFalseDimension
SalespersonSalesperson IDsalesperson_idFalseFalseDimension
SalespersonSalesperson namesalesperson_nameFalseFalseDimension
CreativeCreative IDcreative_idFalseFalseDimension
CreativeCreative namecreative_nameFalseFalseDimension
CreativeCreative typecreative_typeFalseFalseDimension
CreativeCreative billing typecreative_billing_typeFalseFalseDimension
PlacementPlacement IDplacement_idFalseFalseDimension
PlacementPlacement nameplacement_nameFalseFalseDimension
OrderOrder IDorder_idFalseFalseDimension
OrderOrder nameorder_nameFalseFalseDimension
OrderOrder statusorder_statusFalseFalseDimension
OrderOrder advertiser IDorder_advertiser_idFalseFalseDimension
OrderOrder start dateorder_start_dateTrueFalseDimensionThe method used for billing this LineItem
OrderOrder has unlimited end dateis_unlimited_end_date_timeFalseFalseDimensionThe method used for billing this LineItem
OrderOrder end dateorder_end_dateTrueFalseDimensionThe method used for billing this LineItem
OrderOrder sales person IDorder_salesperson_idFalseFalseDimensionThe date and time this LineItem was last created. This attribute may be null for LineItems created before this feature was introduced.
OrderOrder external IDexternal_order_idFalseFalseDimensionAn arbitrary ID to associate to the Order, which can be used as a key to an external system.
OrderOrder is archivedorder_is_archivedFalseFalseDimensionThe archival status of the Order.
OrderOrder is programmaticorder_is_programaticFalseFalseDimensionBoolean
OrderOrder notesorder_notesFalseFalseDimensionProvides any additional notes that may annotate the Order
OrderOrder currency codeorder_currency_codeFalseFalseDimensionCurrency code of the Order
OrderPurchase order numberorder_poNumberFalseFalseDimensionThe purchase order number for the Order
Line ItemLine Item IDline_item_idFalseFalseDimensionUniquely identifies the LineItem. This attribute is read-only and is assigned by Google when a line item is created
Line ItemLine Item external IDline_item_external_idFalseFalseDimensionAn identifier for the LineItem that is meaningful to the publisher.
Line ItemLine Item nameline_item_nameFalseFalseDimensionAssigned name of an object
Line ItemLine Item order IDline_item_order_idFalseFalseDimensionUniquely identifies the LineItem. This attribute is read-only and is assigned by Google when a line item is created
Line ItemLine Item order nameline_item_order_nameFalseFalseDimensionUniquely identifies the LineItem. This attribute is read-only and is assigned by Google when a line item is created
Line ItemLine Item cost typeline_item_cost_typeFalseFalseDimensionThe method used for billing this LineItem
Line ItemLine Item creation dateline_item_creation_dateTrueFalseDimensionThe date and time this LineItem was last created. This attribute may be null for LineItems created before this feature was introduced.
Line ItemLine Item start dateline_item_start_dateTrueFalseDimensionThe date and time this LineItem was started. This attribute may be null for LineItems created before this feature was introduced.
Line ItemLine Item last modified dateline_item_last_modified_dateTrueFalseDimensionThe date and time this LineItem was last modified. This attribute may be null for LineItems created before this feature was introduced.
Line ItemLine Item end dateline_item_end_dateTrueFalseDimensionThe date and time this LineItem was ended. This attribute may be null for LineItems created before this feature was introduced.
Line ItemLine Item delivery rate typeline_item_delivery_rate_typeFalseFalseDimensionThe strategy for delivering ads over the course of the LineItem's duration. This attribute is optional and defaults to DeliveryRateType.EVENLY. Starting in v201306, it may default to DeliveryRateType.FRONTLOADED if specifically configured to on the network.
Line ItemLine Item is missing creativesline_item_is_missing_creativesFalseFalseDimensionIndicates if a LineItem is missing any creatives for the creativePlaceholders specified
Line ItemLine Item is set-top box enabledline_item_is_set_top_box_enabledFalseFalseDimensionWhether or not this line item is set-top box enabled
Ad UnitAd Unit IDad_unit_idFalseFalseDimensionUniquely identifies the LineItem. This attribute is read-only and is assigned by Google when a line item is created
Ad UnitAd Unit parent IDad_unit_parent_idFalseFalseDimensionThe ID of the ad unit's parent. Every ad unit has a parent except for the root ad unit, which is created by Google.
Ad UnitAd Unit namead_unit_nameFalseFalseDimensionThe name of the ad unit.
Ad UnitAd Unit parent namead_unit_parent_nameFalseFalseDimensionThe ID of the ad unit's parent. Every ad unit has a parent except for the root ad unit, which is created by Google.
Ad UnitAd Unit statusad_unit_statusFalseFalseDimensionThe ID of the ad unit's parent. Every ad unit has a parent except for the root ad unit, which is created by Google.
Ad UnitAd Unit has childrenad_unit_has_childrenFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit parent pathad_unit_parent_pathTrueFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit descriptionad_unit_descriptionFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit targetWindowtargetWindowFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit codead_unit_ad_unit_codeFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit isInterstitialisInterstitialFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit isNativeisNativeFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit isFluidisFluidFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit explicitlyTargetedexplicitlyTargetedFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit adSenseSettingsadSenseSettingsFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit adSenseSettingsSourceadSenseSettingsSourceFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit appliedLabelFrequencyCapsappliedLabelFrequencyCapsFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit effectiveLabelFrequencyCapseffectiveLabelFrequencyCapsFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit appliedLabelsappliedLabelsFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit effectiveAppliedLabelseffectiveAppliedLabelsFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit effectiveTeamIdseffectiveTeamIdsFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit appliedTeamIdsappliedTeamIdsFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit lastModifiedDateTimelastModifiedDateTimeFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit smartSizeModesmartSizeModeFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit refreshRaterefreshRateFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit externalSetTopBoxChannelIdexternalSetTopBoxChannelIdFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit isSetTopBoxEnabledisSetTopBoxEnabledFalseFalseDimension
Ad UnitAd Unit applicationIdapplicationIdFalseFalseDimension
Multicontext metricsUnfilled impressionsPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_UNFILLED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe unfilled impressions in the partner management.
HistoricalAd server impressionsAD_SERVER_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server begin to render impressionsAD_SERVER_BEGIN_TO_RENDER_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server targeted impressionsAD_SERVER_TARGETED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server clicksAD_SERVER_CLICKSFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server targeted clicksAD_SERVER_TARGETED_CLICKSFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server CTRAD_SERVER_CTRFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server CPM and CPC revenueAD_SERVER_CPM_AND_CPC_REVENUEFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server CPD revenueAD_SERVER_CPD_REVENUEFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server CPA revenueAD_SERVER_CPA_REVENUEFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server CPM, CPC, CPD, and vCPM revenueAD_SERVER_ALL_REVENUEFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server average eCPMAD_SERVER_WITHOUT_CPD_AVERAGE_ECPMFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server average eCPMAD_SERVER_WITH_CPD_AVERAGE_ECPMFalseFalseMetric
HistoricalAd server impressions (%)AD_SERVER_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_PERCENT_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions delivered to the total impressions delivered by the ad server for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAd server clicks (%)AD_SERVER_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_PERCENT_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of clicks delivered to the total clicks delivered by the ad server for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAd server revenue (%)AD_SERVER_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_WITHOUT_CPD_PERCENT_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of revenue generated by ad server to the total CPM and CPC revenue earned by the ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAd server revenue (%)AD_SERVER_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_WITH_CPD_PERCENT_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of revenue generated by ad server to the total CPM, CPC and CPD revenue earned by the ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAd server unfiltered downloaded impressionsAD_SERVER_UNFILTERED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of downloaded impressions delivered by the ad server including impressions recognized as spam.
HistoricalAd server unfiltered begin to render impressionsAD_SERVER_UNFILTERED_BEGIN_TO_RENDER_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of begin to render impressions delivered by the ad server including impressions recognized as spam.
HistoricalAd server unfiltered clicksAD_SERVER_UNFILTERED_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe number of clicks delivered by the ad server including clicks recognized as spam.
HistoricalAdSense impressionsADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions an AdSense ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalAdSense targeted impressionsADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_TARGETED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions an AdSense ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting.
HistoricalAdSense clicksADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe number of clicks an AdSense ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalAdSense targeted clicksADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_TARGETED_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe number of clicks an AdSense ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting.
HistoricalAdSense CTRADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_CTRFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of clicks an AdSense reservation ad delivered to the number of impressions it delivered, including line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalAdSense revenueADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricRevenue generated from AdSense ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalAdSense average eCPMADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_AVERAGE_ECPMFalseFalseMetricThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by AdSense for line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalAdSense impressions (%)ADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_PERCENT_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions delivered by AdSense reservation ads to the total impressions delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAdSense clicks (%)ADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_PERCENT_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of clicks delivered by AdSense reservation ads to the total clicks delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAdSense revenue (%)ADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_WITHOUT_CPD_PERCENT_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of revenue to the total revenue earned from the CPM and CPC ads delivered by AdSense for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAdSense revenue (%)ADSENSE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_WITH_CPD_PERCENT_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of revenue to the total revenue earned from the CPM, CPC, and CPD ads delivered by AdSense for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAd Exchange impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions an Ad Exchange ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalBidsBID_COUNTFalseFalseMetricThe number of bids associated with the selected dimensions.
HistoricalAverage bid CPMBID_AVERAGE_CPMFalseFalseMetricThe average CPM associated with these bids.
HistoricalYield group calloutsYIELD_GROUP_CALLOUTSFalseFalseMetricNumber of times a yield partner is asked to return bid to fill a yield group request. Only applies to Open Bidding; not Mediation. This data is available for 45 days after the event.
HistoricalYield group successful responsesYIELD_GROUP_SUCCESSFUL_RESPONSESFalseFalseMetricNumber of times a yield group buyer successfully returned a bid in response to a yield group callout, even if that response is 'no bids.' Only applies to Open Bidding; not Mediation. This data is available for 45 days after the event.
HistoricalYield group bidsYIELD_GROUP_BIDSFalseFalseMetricNumber of bids received from Open Bidding buyers, regardless of whether the returned bid competes in an auction. This number might be greater than Yield group callouts because a buyer can return multiple bids. Only applies to Open Bidding; not Mediation. This data is available for 45 days after the event.
HistoricalYield group bids in auctionYIELD_GROUP_BIDS_IN_AUCTIONFalseFalseMetricNumber of bids received from Open Bidding buyers that competed in the auction. Some bids may be filtered out before the auction runs if the bidder's response omits required fields or contains a creative that violates Google's policies. Learn more about policies and enforcement. Only applies to Open Bidding; not Mediation. This data is available for 45 days after the event.
HistoricalYield group auctions wonYIELD_GROUP_AUCTIONS_WONFalseFalseMetricNumber of winning bids received from Open Bidding buyers, even when the winning bid is placed at the end of a mediation for mobile apps chain. Only applies to Open Bidding; not Mediation. This data is available for 45 days after the event.
HistoricalDeals bid requestsDEALS_BID_REQUESTSFalseFalseMetricNumber of bid requests sent for each deal. Must be broken down by PROGRAMMATIC_DEAL_ID or PROGRAMMATIC_DEAL_NAME. Not tracked for Programmatic Guaranteed deals (will show zero on those rows).
HistoricalDeals bidsDEALS_BIDSFalseFalseMetricNumber of bids placed on each deal. Not tracked for Programmatic Guaranteed deals (will show zero on those rows).
HistoricalDeals bid rateDEALS_BID_RATEFalseFalseMetricBid rate for each deal. Must be broken down by PROGRAMMATIC_DEAL_ID or PROGRAMMATIC_DEAL_NAME. Not tracked for Programmatic Guaranteed deals (will show N/A on those rows).
HistoricalDeals winning bidsDEALS_WINNING_BIDSFalseFalseMetricNumber of winning bids for each deal. Not tracked for Programmatic Guaranteed deals (will show zero on those rows).
HistoricalDeals win rateDEALS_WIN_RATEFalseFalseMetricWin rate for each deal. Not tracked for Programmatic Guaranteed deals (will show N/A on those rows).
HistoricalYield group impressionsYIELD_GROUP_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricNumber of matched yield group requests where a yield partner delivered their ad to publisher inventory.
HistoricalYield group estimated revenueYIELD_GROUP_ESTIMATED_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricTotal net revenue earned by a yield group, based upon the yield group estimated CPM and yield group impressions recorded. This revenue already excludes Google revenue share.
HistoricalYield group estimated CPMYIELD_GROUP_ESTIMATED_CPMFalseFalseMetricThe estimated net rate for yield groups or individual yield group partners.
HistoricalMediation fill rateYIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_FILL_RATEFalseFalseMetricYield group Mediation fill rate indicating how often a network fills an ad request.
HistoricalMediation passbacksYIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_PASSBACKSFalseFalseMetricPassbacks are counted when an ad network is given a chance to serve but does not deliver an impression, and Ad Manager Mediation moves on to the next ad network in the mediation chain. Passbacks are not currently counted for the 'Ad server' demand channel.
HistoricalMediation third-party eCPMYIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_THIRD_PARTY_ECPMFalseFalseMetricRevenue per thousand impressions based on data collected by Ad Manager from third-party ad network reports. Displays zero if data collection is not enabled.
HistoricalMediation chains servedYIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_CHAINS_SERVEDFalseFalseMetricTotal requests where a Mediation chain was served, even if none of the ad networks delivered an impression.
HistoricalMediation third-party eCPMMEDIATION_THIRD_PARTY_ECPMFalseFalseMetricMediation third-party average cost-per-thousand-impressions.
HistoricalAd Exchange targeted impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_TARGETED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions an Ad Exchange ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting.
HistoricalAd Exchange clicksAD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe number of clicks an Ad Exchange ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalAd Exchange targeted clicksAD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_TARGETED_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe number of clicks an Ad Exchange ad delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting.
HistoricalAd Exchange CTRAD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_CTRFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of clicks an Ad Exchange ad delivered to the number of impressions it delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalAd Exchange impressions (%)AD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_PERCENT_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions delivered to the total impressions delivered by Ad Exchange for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAd Exchange clicks (%)AD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_PERCENT_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of clicks delivered to the total clicks delivered by Ad Exchange for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAd Exchange revenueAD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricRevenue generated from Ad Exchange ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented in publisher currency and time zone.
HistoricalAd Exchange revenue (%)AD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_WITHOUT_CPD_PERCENT_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of revenue generated by Ad Exchange to the total revenue earned by CPM and CPC ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAd Exchange revenue (%)AD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_WITH_CPD_PERCENT_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of revenue generated by Ad Exchange to the total revenue earned by CPM, CPC, and CPD ads delivered for line item-level dynamic allocation. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalAd Exchange average eCPMAD_EXCHANGE_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_AVERAGE_ECPMFalseFalseMetricThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the delivery of Ad Exchange ads for line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal impressionsTOTAL_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of impressions delivered including line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal targeted impressionsTOTAL_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_TARGETED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of impressions delivered including line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting.
HistoricalTotal clicksTOTAL_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of clicks delivered including line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal targeted clicksTOTAL_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_TARGETED_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of clicks delivered including line item-level dynamic allocation by explicit custom criteria targeting.
HistoricalTotal CTRTOTAL_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_CTRFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of total clicks on ads delivered by the ad servers to the total number of impressions delivered for an ad including line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal CPM and CPC revenueTOTAL_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_CPM_AND_CPC_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricThe total CPM and CPC revenue generated by the ad servers including line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal CPM, CPC, CPD, and vCPM revenueTOTAL_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_ALL_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricThe total CPM, CPC, and CPD revenue generated by the ad servers including line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal average eCPMTOTAL_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_WITHOUT_CPD_AVERAGE_ECPMFalseFalseMetricEstimated cost-per-thousand-impressions (eCPM) of CPM and CPC ads delivered by the ad servers including line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal average eCPMTOTAL_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_WITH_CPD_AVERAGE_ECPMFalseFalseMetricEstimated cost-per-thousand-impressions (eCPM) of CPM, CPC, and CPD ads delivered by the ad servers including line item-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal code served countTOTAL_CODE_SERVED_COUNTFalseFalseMetricThe total number of times that the code for an ad is served by the ad server including inventory-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal ad requestsTOTAL_AD_REQUESTSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of times that an ad request is sent to the ad server including dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal responses servedTOTAL_RESPONSES_SERVEDFalseFalseMetricThe total number of times that an ad is served by the ad server including dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal unmatched ad requestsTOTAL_UNMATCHED_AD_REQUESTSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of times that an ad is not returned by the ad server.
HistoricalTotal fill rateTOTAL_FILL_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe fill rate indicating how often an ad request is filled by the ad server including dynamic allocation.
HistoricalAd server responses servedAD_SERVER_RESPONSES_SERVEDFalseFalseMetricThe total number of times that an ad is served by the ad server.
HistoricalAdSense responses servedADSENSE_RESPONSES_SERVEDFalseFalseMetricThe total number of times that an AdSense ad is delivered.
HistoricalAd Exchange responses servedAD_EXCHANGE_RESPONSES_SERVEDFalseFalseMetricThe total number of times that an Ad Exchange ad is delivered.
HistoricalProgrammatic responses servedPROGRAMMATIC_RESPONSES_SERVEDFalseFalseMetricTotal number of ad responses served from programmatic demand sources. Includes Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and Preferred Deals. Differs from Ad Exchange responses served, which doesn't include Open Bidding matched ad requests.
HistoricalProgrammatic match ratePROGRAMMATIC_MATCH_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe number of programmatic responses served divided by the number of requests eligible for programmatic. Includes Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and Preferred Deals.
HistoricalTotal programmatic eligible ad requestsTOTAL_PROGRAMMATIC_ELIGIBLE_AD_REQUESTSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of ad requests eligible for programmatic inventory, including Programmatic Guaranteed, Preferred Deals, backfill, and open auction.
HistoricalTrue opportunitiesTOTAL_VIDEO_OPPORTUNITIESFalseFalseMetricThe total number of video opportunities.
HistoricalCapped opportunitiesTOTAL_VIDEO_CAPPED_OPPORTUNITIESFalseFalseMetricThe total number of video capped opportunities.
HistoricalTotal video matched opportunitiesTOTAL_VIDEO_MATCHED_OPPORTUNITIESFalseFalseMetricThe total number of video matched opportunities.
HistoricalTotal video matched durationTOTAL_VIDEO_MATCHED_DURATIONFalseFalseMetricThe total filled duration in ad breaks.
HistoricalTotal video durationTOTAL_VIDEO_DURATIONFalseFalseMetricThe total duration in ad breaks.
HistoricalTotal video break startTOTAL_VIDEO_BREAK_STARTFalseFalseMetricThe total number of break starts.
HistoricalTotal video break endTOTAL_VIDEO_BREAK_ENDFalseFalseMetricThe total number of break ends.
HistoricalTotal unfilled impressionsTOTAL_INVENTORY_LEVEL_UNFILLED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of missed impressions due to the ad servers' inability to find ads to serve, including inventory-level dynamic allocation.
HistoricalSDK mediation creative impressionsSDK_MEDIATION_CREATIVE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions for a particular SDK mediation creative.
HistoricalSDK mediation creative clicksSDK_MEDIATION_CREATIVE_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe number of clicks for a particular SDK mediation creative.
HistoricalRich media backup imagesRICH_MEDIA_BACKUP_IMAGESFalseFalseMetricThe total number of times a backup image is served in place of a rich media ad.
HistoricalRich media display timeRICH_MEDIA_DISPLAY_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe amount of time(seconds) that each rich media ad is displayed to users.
HistoricalRich media average display timeRICH_MEDIA_AVERAGE_DISPLAY_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe average amount of time(seconds) that each rich media ad is displayed to users.
HistoricalRich media expansionsRICH_MEDIA_EXPANSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of times an expanding ad was expanded.
HistoricalRich media expanding timeRICH_MEDIA_EXPANDING_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe average amount of time(seconds) that an expanding ad is viewed in an expanded state.
HistoricalRich media interaction timeRICH_MEDIA_INTERACTION_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe average amount of time(seconds) that a user interacts with a rich media ad.
HistoricalRich media interaction countRICH_MEDIA_INTERACTION_COUNTFalseFalseMetricThe number of times that a user interacts with a rich media ad.
HistoricalRich media interaction rateRICH_MEDIA_INTERACTION_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of rich media ad interactions to the number of times the ad was displayed. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalRich media average interaction timeRICH_MEDIA_AVERAGE_INTERACTION_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe average amount of time(seconds) that a user interacts with a rich media ad.
HistoricalRich media interaction impressionsRICH_MEDIA_INTERACTION_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions where a user interacted with a rich media ad.
HistoricalRich media manual closesRICH_MEDIA_MANUAL_CLOSESFalseFalseMetricThe number of times that a user manually closes a floating, expanding, in-page with overlay, or in-page with floating ad.
HistoricalRich media full-screen impressionsRICH_MEDIA_FULL_SCREEN_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricA metric that measures an impression only once when a user opens an ad in full-screen mode.
HistoricalRich media video interactionsRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_INTERACTIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a user clicked on the graphical controls of a video player.
HistoricalRich media video interaction rateRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_INTERACTION_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of video interactions to video plays. Represented as a percentage.
HistoricalRich media video mutesRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_MUTESFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a rich media video was muted.
HistoricalRich media video pausesRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_PAUSESFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a rich media video was paused.
HistoricalRich media video playsRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_PLAYESFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a rich media video was played.
HistoricalRich media video midpointsRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_MIDPOINTSFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a rich media video was played up to midpoint.
HistoricalRich media video completesRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_COMPLETESFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a rich media video was fully played.
HistoricalRich media video replaysRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_REPLAYSFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a rich media video was restarted.
HistoricalRich media video stopsRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_STOPSFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a rich media video was stopped.
HistoricalRich media video unmutesRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_UNMUTESFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a rich media video was unmuted.
HistoricalRich media video view timeRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_VIEW_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe average amount of time(seconds) that a rich media video was viewed per view.
HistoricalRich media video view rateRICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_VIEW_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of a video watched by a user.
HistoricalRich media custom event timeRICH_MEDIA_CUSTOM_EVENT_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe amount of time (seconds) that a user interacts with a rich media ad.
HistoricalRich media custom event countRICH_MEDIA_CUSTOM_EVENT_COUNTFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a user views and interacts with a specified part of a rich media ad.
HistoricalVideo viewership startVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_STARTFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions where the video was played.
HistoricalVideo viewership first quartileVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_FIRST_QUARTILEFalseFalseMetricThe number of times the video played to 25% of its length.
HistoricalVideo viewership midpointVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_MIDPOINTFalseFalseMetricThe number of times the video reached its midpoint during play.
HistoricalVideo viewership third quartileVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_THIRD_QUARTILEFalseFalseMetricThe number of times the video played to 75% of its length.
HistoricalVideo viewership completeVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_COMPLETEFalseFalseMetricThe number of times the video played to completion.
HistoricalVideo viewership average view rateVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_AVERAGE_VIEW_RATEFalseFalseMetricAverage percentage of the video watched by users.
HistoricalVideo viewership average view timeVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_AVERAGE_VIEW_TIMEFalseFalseMetricAverage time(seconds) users watched the video.
HistoricalVideo viewership completion rateVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_COMPLETION_RATEFalseFalseMetricPercentage of times the video played to the end.
HistoricalVideo viewership total error countVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_TOTAL_ERROR_COUNTFalseFalseMetricThe number of times an error occurred, such as a VAST redirect error, a video playback error, or an invalid response error.
HistoricalVideo viewership video lengthVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_VIDEO_LENGTHFalseFalseMetricDuration of the video creative.
HistoricalVideo viewership skip button shownVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_SKIP_BUTTON_SHOWNFalseFalseMetricThe number of times a skip button is shown in video.
HistoricalVideo viewership engaged viewVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_ENGAGED_VIEWFalseFalseMetricThe number of engaged views i.e. ad is viewed to completion or for 30s, whichever comes first.
HistoricalVideo viewership view-through rateVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_VIEW_THROUGH_RATEFalseFalseMetricView-through rate represented as a percentage.
HistoricalVideo viewership auto-playsVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_AUTO_PLAYSFalseFalseMetricNumber of times that the publisher specified a video ad played automatically.
HistoricalVideo viewership click-to-playsVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_CLICK_TO_PLAYSFalseFalseMetricNumber of times that the publisher specified a video ad was clicked to play.
HistoricalVideo viewership total error rateVIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_TOTAL_ERROR_RATEFalseFalseMetricError rate is the percentage of video error count from (error count + total impressions).
HistoricalDrop-off rateDROPOFF_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe drop-off rate.
HistoricalVideo TrueView viewsVIDEO_TRUEVIEW_VIEWSFalseFalseMetricNumber of times a video ad has been viewed to completion or watched to 30 seconds, whichever happens first.
HistoricalVideo TrueView skip rateVIDEO_TRUEVIEW_SKIP_RATEFalseFalseMetricPercentage of times a user clicked Skip.
HistoricalVideo TrueView VTRVIDEO_TRUEVIEW_VTRFalseFalseMetricTrueView views divided by TrueView impressions.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 100 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_100_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 100.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 101 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_101_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 101.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 102 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_102_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 102.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 200 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_200_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 200.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 201 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_201_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 201.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 202 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_202_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 202.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 203 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_203_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 203.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 300 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_300_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 300.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 301 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_301_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 301.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 302 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_302_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 302.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 303 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_303_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 303.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 400 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_400_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 400.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 401 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_401_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 401.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 402 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_402_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 402.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 403 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_403_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 403.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 405 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_405_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 405.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 500 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_500_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 500.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 501 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_501_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 501.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 502 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_502_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 502.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 503 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_503_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 503.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 600 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_600_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 600.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 601 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_601_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 601.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 602 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_602_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 602.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 603 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_603_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 603.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 604 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_604_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 604.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 900 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_900_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 900.
HistoricalVideo errors VAST error 901 countVIDEO_ERRORS_VAST_ERROR_901_COUNTFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 901.
HistoricalVideo interaction PauseVIDEO_INTERACTION_PAUSEFalseFalseMetricVideo interaction event: The number of times user paused ad clip.
HistoricalVideo interaction ResumeVIDEO_INTERACTION_RESUMEFalseFalseMetricVideo interaction event: The number of times the user unpaused the video.
HistoricalVideo interaction RewindVIDEO_INTERACTION_REWINDFalseFalseMetricVideo interaction event: The number of times a user rewinds the video.
HistoricalVideo interaction MuteVIDEO_INTERACTION_MUTEFalseFalseMetricVideo interaction event: The number of times video player was in mute state during play of ad clip.
HistoricalVideo interaction UnmuteVIDEO_INTERACTION_UNMUTEFalseFalseMetricVideo interaction event: The number of times a user unmutes the video.
HistoricalVideo interaction CollapseVIDEO_INTERACTION_COLLAPSEFalseFalseMetricVideo interaction event: The number of times a user collapses a video, either to its original size or to a different size.
HistoricalVideo interaction ExpandVIDEO_INTERACTION_EXPANDFalseFalseMetricVideo interaction event: The number of times a user expands a video.
HistoricalVideo interaction Full screenVIDEO_INTERACTION_FULL_SCREENFalseFalseMetricVideo interaction event: The number of times ad clip played in full screen mode.
HistoricalVideo interaction Average interaction rateVIDEO_INTERACTION_AVERAGE_INTERACTION_RATEFalseFalseMetricVideo interaction event: The number of user interactions with a video, on average, such as pause, full screen, mute, etc.
HistoricalVideo interaction Video skippedVIDEO_INTERACTION_VIDEO_SKIPSFalseFalseMetricVideo interaction event: The number of times a skippable video is skipped.
HistoricalVideo optimization Control startsVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_STARTSFalseFalseMetricThe number of control starts.
HistoricalVideo optimization Optimized startsVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_STARTSFalseFalseMetricThe number of optimized starts.
HistoricalVideo optimization Control completesVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_COMPLETESFalseFalseMetricThe number of control completes.
HistoricalVideo optimization Optimized completesVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_COMPLETESFalseFalseMetricThe number of optimized completes.
HistoricalVideo optimization Control completion rateVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_COMPLETION_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe rate of control completions.
HistoricalVideo optimization Optimized completion rateVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_COMPLETION_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe rate of optimized completions.
HistoricalVideo optimization Completion rate liftVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_COMPLETION_RATE_LIFTFalseFalseMetricThe percentage by which optimized completion rate is greater than the unoptimized completion rate. This is calculated as ((Column.VIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_COMPLETION_RATE/ Column.VIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_COMPLETION_RATE) - 1) * 100 for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled.
HistoricalVideo optimization Control skip button shownVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_SKIP_BUTTON_SHOWNFalseFalseMetricThe number of control skip buttons shown.
HistoricalVideo optimization Optimized skip button shownVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_SKIP_BUTTON_SHOWNFalseFalseMetricThe number of optimized skip buttons shown.
HistoricalVideo optimization Control engaged viewVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_ENGAGED_VIEWFalseFalseMetricThe number of control engaged views.
HistoricalVideo optimization Optimized engaged viewVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_ENGAGED_VIEWFalseFalseMetricThe number of optimized engaged views.
HistoricalVideo optimization Control view-through rateVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_VIEW_THROUGH_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe control view-through rate.
HistoricalVideo optimization Optimized view-through rateVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_VIEW_THROUGH_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe optimized view-through rate.
HistoricalVideo optimization View-through rate liftVIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_VIEW_THROUGH_RATE_LIFTFalseFalseMetricThe percentage by which optimized view-through rate is greater than the unoptimized view-through rate. This is calculated as ((Column.VIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_OPTIMIZED_VIEW_THROUGH_RATE/ Column.VIDEO_OPTIMIZATION_CONTROL_VIEW_THROUGH_RATE) - 1) * 100 for an ad for which the optimization feature has been enabled.
HistoricalVideo impressions Real timeVIDEO_IMPRESSIONS_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo matched queries Real timeVIDEO_MATCHED_QUERIES_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe number of matched queries for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo unmatched queries Real timeVIDEO_UNMATCHED_QUERIES_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe number of unmatched queries for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo total queries Real timeVIDEO_TOTAL_QUERIES_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe number of total queries for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo creative serve Real timeVIDEO_CREATIVE_SERVE_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricThe number of queries on creative level for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 100 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_100_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 100 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 101 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_101_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 101 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 102 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_102_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 102 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 200 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_200_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 200 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 201 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_201_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 201 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 202 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_202_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 202 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 203 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_203_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 203 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 300 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_300_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 300 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 301 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_301_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 301 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 302 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_302_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 302 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 303 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_303_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 303 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 400 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_400_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 400 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 401 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_401_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 401 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 402 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_402_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 402 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 403 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_403_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 403 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 405 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_405_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 405 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 500 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_500_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 500 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 501 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_501_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 501 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 502 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_502_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 502 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 503 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_503_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 503 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 600 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_600_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 600 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 601 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_601_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 601 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 602 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_602_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 602 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 603 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_603_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 603 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 604 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_604_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 604 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 900 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_900_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 900 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST3 error 901 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST3_ERROR_901_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 901 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST4 error 406 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST4_ERROR_406_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 406 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST4 error 407 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST4_ERROR_407_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 407 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST4 error 408 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST4_ERROR_408_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 408 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST4 error 409 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST4_ERROR_409_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 409 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST4 error 410 count Real timeVIDEO_VAST4_ERROR_410_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of VAST video errors of type 410 for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalVideo VAST total error count Real timeVIDEO_VAST_TOTAL_ERROR_COUNT_REAL_TIMEFalseFalseMetricNumber of total VAST video errors for video realtime reporting.
HistoricalTotal Active View viewable impressionsTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of impressions viewed on the user's screen.
HistoricalTotal Active View measurable impressionsTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of impressions that were sampled and measured by active view.
HistoricalTotal Active View viewable impressions rateTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of total impressions viewed on the user's screen (out of the total impressions measurable by active view).
HistoricalTotal Active View eligible impressionsTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricTotal number of impressions that were eligible to measure viewability.
HistoricalTotal Active View measurable impressions rateTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of total impressions that were measurable by active view (out of all the total impressions sampled for active view).
HistoricalTotal Active View average viewable timeTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIMEFalseFalseMetricActive View total average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable.
HistoricalAd server Active View viewable impressionsAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen.
HistoricalAd server Active View measurable impressionsAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions delivered by the ad server that were sampled, and measurable by active view.
HistoricalAd server Active View viewable impressions rateAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen (out of the ad server impressions measurable by active view).
HistoricalAd server Active View eligible impressionsAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricTotal number of impressions delivered by the ad server that were eligible to measure viewability.
HistoricalAd server Active View measurable impressions rateAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of impressions delivered by the ad server that were measurable by active view (out of all ad server impressions sampled for active view).
HistoricalAd server Active View revenueAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricActive View ad server revenue.
HistoricalAd server Active View average viewable timeAD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIMEFalseFalseMetricActive View ad server average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable.
HistoricalAdSense Active View viewable impressionsADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions delivered by AdSense viewed on the user's screen.
HistoricalAdSense Active View measurable impressionsADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions delivered by AdSense that were sampled, and measurable by active view.
HistoricalAdSense Active View % viewable impressionsADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of impressions delivered by AdSense viewed on the user's screen (out of AdSense impressions measurable by active view).
HistoricalAdSense Active View eligible impressionsADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricTotal number of impressions delivered by AdSense that were eligible to measure viewability.
HistoricalAdSense Active View % measurable impressionsADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of impressions delivered by AdSense that were measurable by active view (out of all AdSense impressions sampled for active view).
HistoricalAdSense Active View average viewable timeADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIMEFalseFalseMetricActive View AdSense average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable.
HistoricalAd Exchange Active View viewable impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange viewed on the user's screen.
HistoricalAd Exchange Active View measurable impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were sampled, and measurable by active view.
HistoricalAd Exchange Active View % viewable impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange viewed on the user's screen (out of Ad Exchange impressions measurable by active view).
HistoricalAd Exchange Active View eligible impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricTotal number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were eligible to measure viewability.
HistoricalAd Exchange Active View % measurable impressionsAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were measurable by active view (out of all Ad Exchange impressions sampled for active view).
HistoricalAd Exchange Active View average viewable timeAD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIMEFalseFalseMetricActive View AdExchange average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable.
HistoricalAd Exchange total requestsAD_EXCHANGE_TOTAL_REQUESTSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of queries sent to Ad Exchange.
HistoricalAd Exchange match rateAD_EXCHANGE_MATCH_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe fraction of Ad Exchange queries that result in a matched query. Also known as 'Coverage'.
HistoricalAd Exchange CPCAD_EXCHANGE_COST_PER_CLICKFalseFalseMetricThe amount earned per click on Ad Exchange.
HistoricalAd Exchange ad request CTRAD_EXCHANGE_TOTAL_REQUEST_CTRFalseFalseMetricThe fraction of Ad Exchange requests that result in a click.
HistoricalAd Exchange matched request CTRAD_EXCHANGE_MATCHED_REQUEST_CTRFalseFalseMetricThe fraction of Ad Exchange matched requests that result in a click.
HistoricalAd Exchange ad request eCPMAD_EXCHANGE_TOTAL_REQUEST_ECPMFalseFalseMetricThe amount earned per thousand Ad Exchange requests.
HistoricalAd Exchange matched request eCPMAD_EXCHANGE_MATCHED_REQUEST_ECPMFalseFalseMetricThe amount earned per thousand Ad Exchange matched requests.
HistoricalAd Exchange lift earningsAD_EXCHANGE_LIFT_EARNINGSFalseFalseMetricThe increase in Ad Exchange revenue gained for won impressions over the applicable minimum CPM or the best price specified during dynamic allocation.
HistoricalTotal Active View revenueTOTAL_ACTIVE_VIEW_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricActive View total revenue.
HistoricalView-through conversionsVIEW_THROUGH_CONVERSIONSFalseFalseMetricNumber of view-through conversions.
HistoricalConversions per thousand impressionsCONVERSIONS_PER_THOUSAND_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricNumber of view-through conversions per thousand impressions.
HistoricalClick-through conversionsCLICK_THROUGH_CONVERSIONSFalseFalseMetricNumber of click-through conversions.
HistoricalConversions per clickCONVERSIONS_PER_CLICKFalseFalseMetricNumber of click-through conversions per click.
HistoricalAdvertiser view-through salesVIEW_THROUGH_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricRevenue for view-through conversions.
HistoricalAdvertiser click-through salesCLICK_THROUGH_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricRevenue for click-through conversions.
HistoricalTotal conversionsTOTAL_CONVERSIONSFalseFalseMetricTotal number of conversions.
HistoricalTotal advertiser salesTOTAL_CONVERSION_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricTotal revenue for conversions.
HistoricalImpressions competingDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_IMPRESSIONS_COMPETING_TOTALFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions sent to Ad Exchange / AdSense, regardless of whether they won or lost (total number of dynamic allocation impressions).
HistoricalUnfilled competing impressionsDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_UNFILLED_IMPRESSIONS_COMPETINGFalseFalseMetricThe number of unfilled queries that attempted dynamic allocation by Ad Exchange / AdSense.
HistoricalEligible impressionsDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONS_TOTALFalseFalseMetricThe number of Ad Exchange / AdSense and Ad Manager impressions.
HistoricalImpressions not competingDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_IMPRESSIONS_NOT_COMPETING_TOTALFalseFalseMetricThe difference between eligible impressions and competing impressions in dynamic allocation.
HistoricalImpressions not competing (%)DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_IMPRESSIONS_NOT_COMPETING_PERCENT_TOTALFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of eligible impressions that are not competing in dynamic allocation.
HistoricalDynamic allocation saturation rateDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_SATURATION_RATE_TOTALFalseFalseMetricThe percent of eligible impressions participating in dynamic allocation.
HistoricalDynamic allocation match rateDYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_OPPORTUNITY_MATCH_RATE_TOTALFalseFalseMetricThe percent of total dynamic allocation queries that won.
HistoricalInvoiced impressionsINVOICED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of invoiced impressions.
HistoricalInvoiced unfilled impressionsINVOICED_UNFILLED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of invoiced unfilled impressions.
HistoricalHost impressionsPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_HOST_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe host impressions in the partner management.
HistoricalHost clicksPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_HOST_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe host clicks in the partner management.
HistoricalHost CTRPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_HOST_CTRFalseFalseMetricThe host CTR in the partner management.
HistoricalPartner impressionsPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe partner impressions in the partner management.
HistoricalPartner clicksPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricThe partner clicks in the partner management.
HistoricalPartner CTRPARTNER_MANAGEMENT_PARTNER_CTRFalseFalseMetricThe partner CTR in the partner management.
HistoricalGross revenuePARTNER_MANAGEMENT_GROSS_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricThe gross revenue in the partner management.
ReachAverage impressions/unique visitorUNIQUE_REACH_FREQUENCYFalseFalseMetricCorresponds to 'Average impressions/unique visitor' in the Ad Manager UI.
ReachTotal reach impressionsUNIQUE_REACH_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricCorresponds to 'Total reach impressions' in the Ad Manager UI.
ReachTotal unique visitorsUNIQUE_REACHFalseFalseMetricCorresponds to 'Total unique visitors' in the Ad Manager UI.
ReachImpressionsNIELSEN_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of impressions tracked for Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings measurement.
ReachIn-target impressionsNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe total number of impressions for in-target demographic tracked for Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings measurement.
ReachPopulation baseNIELSEN_POPULATION_BASEFalseFalseMetricThe population in the demographic.
ReachIn-target population baseNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_POPULATION_BASEFalseFalseMetricThe total population for all in-target demographics.
ReachUnique audienceNIELSEN_UNIQUE_AUDIENCEFalseFalseMetricThe total number of different people within the selected demographic who were reached.
ReachIn-target unique audienceNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_UNIQUE_AUDIENCEFalseFalseMetricThe total number of different people within all in-target demographics who were reached.
Reach% Audience reachNIELSEN_PERCENT_AUDIENCE_REACHFalseFalseMetricThe unique audience reached as a percentage of the population base.
ReachIn-target % audience reachNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_PERCENT_AUDIENCE_REACHFalseFalseMetricThe unique audience reached as a percentage of the population base for all in-target demographics.
ReachAverage frequencyNIELSEN_AVERAGE_FREQUENCYFalseFalseMetricThe average number of times that a person within the target audience sees an advertisement.
ReachIn-target average frequencyNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_AVERAGE_FREQUENCYFalseFalseMetricThe average number of times that a person within the target audience sees an advertisement for all in-target demographics.
ReachGross rating pointsNIELSEN_GROSS_RATING_POINTSFalseFalseMetricThe unit of audience volume, which is based on the percentage of the reached target audience population multiplied by the average frequency.
ReachIn-target gross rating pointsNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_GROSS_RATING_POINTSFalseFalseMetricThe unit of audience volume, which is based on the percentage of the reached target audience population multiplied by the average frequency, for all in-target demographics.
Reach% Impressions shareNIELSEN_PERCENT_IMPRESSIONS_SHAREFalseFalseMetricThe share of impressions that reached the target demographic.
ReachIn-target % impressions shareNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_PERCENT_IMPRESSIONS_SHAREFalseFalseMetricThe share of impressions that reached all in-target demographics.
Reach% Population shareNIELSEN_PERCENT_POPULATION_SHAREFalseFalseMetricThe share of the total population represented by the population base.
ReachIn-target % population shareNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_PERCENT_POPULATION_SHAREFalseFalseMetricThe share of the total population for all in-target demographics represented by the population base.
Reach% Audience shareNIELSEN_PERCENT_AUDIENCE_SHAREFalseFalseMetricThe share of the unique audience in the demographic.
ReachIn-target % audience shareNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_PERCENT_AUDIENCE_SHAREFalseFalseMetricThe share of the unique audience for all in-target demographics.
ReachAudience indexNIELSEN_AUDIENCE_INDEXFalseFalseMetricThe relative unique audience in the demographic compared with its share of the overall population.
ReachIn-target audience indexNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_AUDIENCE_INDEXFalseFalseMetricThe relative unique audience for all in-target demographics compared with its share of the overall population.
ReachImpressions indexNIELSEN_IMPRESSIONS_INDEXFalseFalseMetricThe relative impressions per person in the demographic compared with the impressions per person for the overall population.
ReachIn-target impressions indexNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_IMPRESSIONS_INDEXFalseFalseMetricThe relative impressions per person for all in-target demographics compared with the impressions per person for the overall population.
ReachProcessed Nielsen in-target rateNIELSEN_IN_TARGET_RATIOFalseFalseMetricThe adjusted in-target impression share used for pacing and billing, based on the GRP pacing preferences indicated in your line item settings.
Future sell-throughSell-through forecasted impressionsSELL_THROUGH_FORECASTED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of forecasted impressions for future sell-through reports.
Future sell-throughSell-through available impressionsSELL_THROUGH_AVAILABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of available impressions for future sell-through reports. This metric is available for the next 90 days with a daily break down and for the next 12 months with a monthly break down.
Future sell-throughSell-through reserved impressionsSELL_THROUGH_RESERVED_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of reserved impressions for future sell-through reports. This metric is available for the next 90 days with a daily break down and for the next 12 months with a monthly break down.
Future sell-throughSell-through sell-through rateSELL_THROUGH_SELL_THROUGH_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe sell-through rate for impressions for future sell-through reports. This metric is available for the next 90 days with a daily break down and for the next 12 months with a monthly break down.
YouTube consolidatedPartner sales partner impressionsPARTNER_SALES_PARTNER_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of partner-sold impressions served to the YouTube partner ad inventory.
YouTube consolidatedPartner sales partner code servedPARTNER_SALES_PARTNER_CODE_SERVEDFalseFalseMetricThe number of times the ad server responded to a request for the YouTube partner ad inventory.
YouTube consolidatedPartner sales Google impressionsPARTNER_SALES_GOOGLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of Google-sold impressions served to the YouTube partner ad inventory.
YouTube consolidatedPartner sales Google reservation impressionsPARTNER_SALES_GOOGLE_RESERVATION_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of Google-sold reservation impressions served to the YouTube partner ad inventory.
YouTube consolidatedPartner sales Google auction impressionsPARTNER_SALES_GOOGLE_AUCTION_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of Google-sold auction impressions served to the YouTube partner ad inventory.
YouTube consolidatedTotal ad requestsPARTNER_SALES_QUERIESFalseFalseMetricThe total number of ad requests that were eligible to serve to the YouTube partner ad inventory.
YouTube consolidatedFilled ad requestsPARTNER_SALES_FILLED_QUERIESFalseFalseMetricThe total number of filled ad requests that were eligible to serve to the YouTube partner ad inventory.
YouTube consolidatedFill ratePARTNER_SALES_SELL_THROUGH_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe fill rate percentage of filled requests to total ad requests.
Ad ConnectorImpressionsDP_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricNumber of impressions delivered.
Ad ConnectorClicksDP_CLICKSFalseFalseMetricNumber of clicks delivered.
Ad ConnectorQueriesDP_QUERIESFalseFalseMetricNumber of requests.
Ad ConnectorMatched queriesDP_MATCHED_QUERIESFalseFalseMetricNumber of requests where a buyer was matched with the Ad request.
Ad ConnectorCostDP_COSTFalseFalseMetricThe revenue earned, calculated in publisher currency, for the ads delivered.
Ad ConnectorTotal Average eCPMDP_ECPMFalseFalseMetricThe average estimated cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from ads delivered.
Ad ConnectorActive View eligible impressionsDP_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricTotal number of impressions delivered by the ad server that were eligible to measure viewability.
Ad ConnectorActive View measurable impressionsDP_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions delivered that were sampled and measurable by active view.
Ad ConnectorActive View viewable impressionsDP_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricThe number of impressions delivered that were viewed on the user's screen.
Ad ConnectorActive View % measurable impressionsDP_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of impressions delivered that were measurable by active view (out of all the impressions sampled for active view).
Ad ConnectorActive View % viewable impressionsDP_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATEFalseFalseMetricThe percentage of impressions delivered that were viewed on the user's screen (out of the impressions measurable by active view).
Partner financeHost impressionsPARTNER_FINANCE_HOST_IMPRESSIONSFalseFalseMetricMonthly host impressions for partner finance reports.
Partner financeHost revenuePARTNER_FINANCE_HOST_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricMonthly host revenue for partner finance reports.
Partner financeHost eCPMPARTNER_FINANCE_HOST_ECPMFalseFalseMetricMonthly host eCPM for partner finance reports.
Partner financePartner revenuePARTNER_FINANCE_PARTNER_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricMonthly partner revenue for partner finance reports.
Partner financePartner eCPMPARTNER_FINANCE_PARTNER_ECPMFalseFalseMetricMonthly partner eCPM for partner finance reports.
Partner financeGross revenuePARTNER_FINANCE_GROSS_REVENUEFalseFalseMetricMonthly gross revenue for partner finance reports.
Ad speedCreative load time 0 - 500ms (%)CREATIVE_LOAD_TIME_0_500_MS_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the creative load time is between 0 and 500 ms to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedCreative load time 500ms - 1s (%)CREATIVE_LOAD_TIME_500_1000_MS_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the creative load time is between 500 milliseconds and 1 second to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedCreative load time 1s - 2s (%)CREATIVE_LOAD_TIME_1_2_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the creative load time is between 1 second and 2 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedCreative load time 2s - 4s (%)CREATIVE_LOAD_TIME_2_4_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the creative load time is between 2 seconds and 4 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedCreative load time 4s - 8s (%)CREATIVE_LOAD_TIME_4_8_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the creative load time is between 4 seconds and 8 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedCreative load time >8s (%)CREATIVE_LOAD_TIME_GREATER_THAN_8_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the creative load time is greater than 8 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedSlot never entered viewport (%)UNVIEWED_REASON_SLOT_NEVER_ENTERED_VIEWPORT_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions which are unviewed because the ad slot never entered the viewport to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedUser scrolled before ad filled (%)UNVIEWED_REASON_USER_SCROLLED_BEFORE_AD_FILLED_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions which are unviewed because the user scrolled before the ad filled to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedUser scrolled/navigated before ad loaded (%)UNVIEWED_REASON_USER_SCROLLED_BEFORE_AD_LOADED_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions which are unviewed because the user scrolled or navigated before the ad loaded to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedUser scrolled/navigated before 1 second (%)UNVIEWED_REASON_USER_SCROLLED_BEFORE_1_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions which are unviewed because the user scrolled or navigated before one second to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedOther non-viewable impression reasons (%)UNVIEWED_REASON_OTHER_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions which are unviewed because of another non-viewable-impression reason to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to tag loaded time 0 - 500ms (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_TAG_LOADED_TIME_0_500_MS_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to tag log time is between 0 and 500 milliseconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to tag loaded time 500ms - 1s (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_TAG_LOADED_TIME_500_1000_MS_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to tag log time is between 500 milliseconds and 1 second to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to tag loaded time 1s - 2s (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_TAG_LOADED_TIME_1_2_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to tag log time is between 1 second and 2 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to tag loaded time 2s - 4s (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_TAG_LOADED_TIME_2_4_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to tag log time is between 2 seconds and 4 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to tag loaded time 4s - 8s (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_TAG_LOADED_TIME_4_8_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to tag log time is between 4 seconds and 8 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to tag loaded time >8s (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_TAG_LOADED_TIME_GREATER_THAN_8_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to tag log time is greater than 8 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to first ad request time 0 - 500ms (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_0_500_MS_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to first ad request time is between 0 and 500 milliseconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to first ad request time 500ms - 1s (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_500_1000_MS_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to first ad request time is between 500 milliseconds and 1 second to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to first ad request time 1s - 2s (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_1_2_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to first ad request time is between 1 second and 2 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to first ad request time 2s - 4s (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_2_4_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to first ad request time is between 2 seconds and 4 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to first ad request time 4s - 8s (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_4_8_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to first ad request time is between 4 seconds and 8 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedPage navigation to first ad request time >8s (%)PAGE_NAVIGATION_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_GREATER_THAN_8_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the DOM load to first ad request time is greater than 8 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedTag loaded to first ad request time 0 - 500ms (%)TAG_LOAD_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_0_500_MS_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the tag load to first ad request time is between 0 and 500 milliseconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedTag loaded to first ad request time 500ms - 1s (%)TAG_LOAD_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_500_1000_MS_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the tag load to first ad request time is between 500 milliseconds and 1 second to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedTag loaded to first ad request time 1s - 2s (%)TAG_LOAD_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_1_2_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the tag load to first ad request time is between 1 second and 2 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedTag loaded to first ad request time 2s - 4s (%)TAG_LOAD_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_2_4_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the tag load to first ad request time is between 2 seconds and 4 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedTag loaded to first ad request time 4s - 8s (%)TAG_LOAD_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_4_8_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the tag load to first ad request time is between 4 seconds and 8 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Ad speedTag loaded to first ad request time >8s (%)TAG_LOAD_TO_FIRST_AD_REQUEST_TIME_GREATER_THAN_8_S_PERCENTFalseFalseMetricThe ratio of the number of impressions for which the tag load to first ad request time is greater than 8 seconds to the total number of impressions that have ad latency data, represented as a percentage.
Line ItemCurrent video completionsvideo_completionsFalseFalseMetric
Line ItemCurrent video starts deliveredvideo_startsFalseFalseMetric
Line ItemCurrent viewable impressions deliveredviewable_impressions_deliveredFalseFalseMetric
Line ItemCurrent delivery percentajedelivery_percentajeFalseFalseMetric
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